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Whether it’s to stir up your brain or to stir up your bowels, you drink coffee. And once you start drinking coffee, it’s hard not to end up loving coffee. And once you love coffee, it’s impossible to just leave it at one type of coffee and coffee maker. They say that getting tattoos is addictive – once you get one, you gotta have more. I don’t know about tattoos, but as a coffee lover, that has been my exact experience with coffee makers.
So anyway – as you’re not a brute that drinks instant coffee, or at least you’ve decided to leave your philistine ways behind – you need to pick your first (or next, in my case) coffee maker. This time, we’ll look at percolators and drip coffee makers – what their similarities are, what their differences are, how they work, and what sort of coffee they produce. With all this knowledge under your belt, you’ll know exactly what you want for your next caffeine fix.
Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:
Coffee Maker
Nuance in flavor
Usually stronger and bolder (can be adjusted to taste)
Generally less nuance
Easily portable
Drip Coffee Maker
Milder taste
Notes in flavor more detectable
Not very portable
More difficult
How Do Percolators Work?
The beginnings of the humble percolator were conceived by the Parisian tinsmith Joseph-Henry-Marie Laurens, then moved to Franklin, Massachusetts via James Nason, for it finally to be patented in the modern, stove-top version we know today by Hanson Goodrick from Illinois in 1889.
The percolator had its glory days in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century – but its glory was somewhat diminished after the 1950s. Throughout Europe, it was being quickly replaced by the Italian Moka pot. In the States, siphon brewing was becoming increasingly popular. And in the 1970s, the booming success of drip coffee makers pushed percolators further in the background.
Some new models of percolators resemble Moka pots – but they’re quite different!
Still, percolators maintain their place in the coffee-loving community and remain a favorite among campsites and church gatherings. So how does the modern percolator work?
Percolators rely on gravity to recycle the water through the coffee as many times as needed to achieve the desired strength. They have two chambers – an upper and a lower one. The two chambers are connected through a thin, metal tube and divided with a porous metal tray that contains the coffee grounds.
You start off by putting water in the bottom chamber, coffee beans in the upper chamber, and placing the percolator on a heat source (stovetop or a portable gas burner/stove). As the water heats up and turns into steam, it moves to the upper chamber through the metal tube. In the upper chamber, it turns back into a liquid and drips onto the coffee beans (this is the extraction process), and through the porous tray back into the bottom chamber.
After a single cycle, you basically have a ready cup of coffee waiting for you in the bottom chamber. However, you can allow the coffee to repeat the cycle as many times as you like, depending on how strong you want your coffee. The more concentrated you want your cup of joe, the more cycles it’ll need to go through.
What Size Coffee Grounds Should I Use with a Percolator?
Percolators don’t use paper filters, but only the porous metal tray where the coffee is placed. This means that if you use medium or finely ground coffee, you’ll end up with a lot of unpleasant sediment in the end result. That’s why it’s best to use coarse grounds with percolators. Plus, as coarse grounds are slower to extract, you’re less likely to end up with an over-extracted, bitter cup of coffee even if you let the water repeat the cycle a few times.
Who Do We Recommend Percolators For?
Travelers. You don’t need electricity to make coffee in percolators – all you need is fire. Plus, they’re quite lightweight and easily portable.
Parties. If you’re looking for something big that can fit a lot of coffee for a lot of people, you can also find some pretty large percolators, which are often used for symposiums and weddings.
How Do Drip Coffee Makers Work?
Drip coffee makers are kind of like a cross between pour-over coffee and percolators. Except, unlike these two contraptions, modern drip coffee makers are automated. Drip coffee makers are super easy to use and simple to set up, which is why they’ve been adorning kitchen counters in homes, offices, and hotels in the US since the 1970s. If you remember our short history lesson on percolators from earlier, you’ll remember that drip coffee makers are one of the main new products on the scene that pushed out percolators.
So, how do they work?
Drip coffee makers consist of a water reservoir, a metal tube (similar to the one that percolators use), a shower-head-like valve, a coffee tray, and a carafe. The water is placed in the water reservoir and heated until it turns into steam, which then travels up the thin tube (like in a percolator). At the end of the tube, the steam turns back into liquid, which is dripped over the coffee beans that are placed in the tray – usually on a paper filter (like in pour-over coffee!). The water drips through the filter into a carafe, which is usually placed on another heating element to keep the coffee warm.
We are all chasing that perfect cup of coffee…
While we’ll outline the differences between drip coffee makers and percolators in more detail, the main difference between the two is that when using the former, water goes through the coffee grounds only once, while a percolator recycles the same water several times – although this, too, can be adjusted.
The elegant simplicity of a drip coffee maker is what makes it so popular. All you have to do is put water in the container, add coffee on the tray, and turn the machine on. You can walk away and get ready for the day, or do some work, and return half an hour later with still warm, still fresh coffee waiting for you.
What Size Coffee Grounds Should I Use with a Drip Coffee Maker?
As drip coffee makers use paper filters, you can use medium or medium-fine grind. A good rule of thumb is choosing medium-fine grind for a flat-bottomed funnel and medium grind for a conical funnel. In addition to paper filters, the fact that the water is cycled through only once makes it a good idea to use a finer grind than you would with a percolator. A single cycle means that the coffee won’t be over-extracted, but the finer grind ensures that it won’t come out tasteless, either.
Who Do We Recommend Drip Coffee Makers For?
Homes, offices, dorm rooms. Drip coffee makers are great for any place where they’ll be stationed for a longer period of time. All you need is electricity! They’re especially a good choice for multi-person households and offices. The machine will do everything on its own, and supply everyone present with a cup of coffee. Keep in mind, however, that large drip coffee makers are still usually smaller than large percolators.
What Are the Differences Between a Percolator and a Drip Coffee Maker?
You can already see that there are some differences between a percolator and a drip coffee maker in the way they work:
A drip coffee maker has a separate reservoir for water and a separate carafe for the end product – coffee. A percolator only has one reservoir, which starts off as water and ends up as coffee.
A drip coffee maker cycles the water only once, while a percolator can recycle the water as many times as you like.
Drip coffee makers are automatic, while percolators generally need a separate heat source (stovetop or gas burner). Of course, there are also electric percolators available today.
A percolator doesn’t use paper filters, while drip coffee makers do.
The way these machines work naturally has an effect on the difference in taste that we get from the coffees they produce. As percolators recycle the same water over and over again, the coffee is bolder and stronger. Of course, you can get a milder taste from your percolator by letting the water cycle through only once. The longer the coffee brews, the more cycles it turns, the more extracted the beans and the bitterer the taste.
In all honesty, no matter how strong you like your coffee, you probably don’t want that kind of bitterness, so it’s best to pay attention to your percolator as it brews, lest your coffee become undrinkable.
Drip coffee makers produce milder-tasting coffee because they only cycle the water through once. This allows for more nuanced notes in the coffee beans to be detectable, a joy for the palate. If you want your drip coffee to be stronger and a bit more bitter, you can use very finely ground coffee beans.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Summer is here, and while the temperatures are rising, it’s hard to imagine something better than an ice-cold and refreshing dose of caffeine. Making a hot cup of coffee is convenient and tempting, considering the intense aroma of freshly-made coffee, but, there are far better alternatives, even for people that don’t own an expensive coffee-maker. Did you know you can make a delicious cold brew coffee in a mason jar? The whole process is insanely easy and straightforward.
While cold brewing may take longer, it will deliver a strong and full-bodied flavor, fit for a hot summer day. Keep reading to find out what exactly the cold brewing method constitutes, what you’ll need to do it, and how to make the best cold brew coffee in a mason jar, step-by-step. You’ll have a smooth and refreshing beverage ready for you in no-time.
What Is a Cold Brew?
The most common question regarding cold brewing is “What’s the difference between cold brew and iced-coffee?” Well, the difference is the way in which they’re prepared.
Iced coffee refers to a regularly brewed coffee with hot water that’s chilled afterward. In fact, the process of making iced coffee isn’t different than making hot brewed coffee. You can use a coffee-maker or boil the water yourself, and once the coffee is made, let it cool at room temperature, or pour it over ice-cubes.
Cold brew, on the other hand, it’s an alternative method to make coffee without using heat at all. The reason for this is because different temperature levels affect different flavor-releasing chemicals in the coffee. Cold brewing coffee results in a more harsh and bold flavor, while iced coffee tastes the same as regular coffee, only diluted because of the ice.
For anyone who enjoys a strong coffee drink and prefers the bittersweet flavor rather than the diluted and sweet aroma of iced coffee, cold brewing coffee at home is a perfect solution.
What Coffee Is Best for Cold Brew?
There’s a whole science behind how flavor is extracted from coffee grounds while brewing and there are many factors that affect this process – heat, bean freshness, and quality are just a few one of them. So, how do you choose the right coffee for a cold brew?
Technically, you can use any type of coffee beans/grounds for cold brewing, but freshly coarse-ground coffee delivers the best taste. Depending on the taste that you prefer, you should also consider the roast – light, medium, or dark roast.
Check out our article “Best Coffee For Cold Brew” to find a lot more on how to choose the right coffee beans/grounds for cold brewing.
Before we get into the details of how to make cold brew coffee in a mason jar, here’s everything that you’ll need so you’re prepared.
Quart mason jar – make sure the mason jar has a wide mouth, otherwise, you won’t be able to fit a filter in it.
Filter – there are many different types of filters you can use when cold brewing or you can improvise with a DIY filter. You can also find high-quality specialized filters for mason jars on Amazon.
Coffee grinder – for those who prefer to buy whole beans and have a freshly ground batch each time. However, keep in mind that you can always buy pre-ground coffee or simply grind the coffee at your local coffee shop.
***If you make a big batch and you plan to refrigerate the coffee, it’s not a bad idea to label the jar with a date, which can be a useful reminder to drink the coffee before it goes bad. Already brewed coffee becomes more bitter with each passing day. Don’t make batches that you can’t finish within a week.
Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Best Cold Brew Coffee in a Mason Jar
For some people, cold brewing is simply mixing ground coffee in cold water and leaving it in the fridge overnight. The next morning, they strain the mixture and drink it. It’s definitely one way to go about this, but if you want to have more control over the taste, concentration, and strength, here’s a step-by-step guide to guide you through.
Step 1: Pick the Beans
Regardless of which coffee you choose, make sure the ground/beans are fresh and good quality. Higher water temperature can extract flavor from a variety of chemical compounds in the coffee, while lower water temperature affects only certain types of chemicals, which limits the flavor potential that the beans have. If you buy stale coffee with compromised quality, chances are you’ll end up with a watery, washed up coffee that’s undrinkable.
Step 2: Grind the Coffee Beans
Once you find the perfect beans, it’s time to grind them. We’ve already discussed that the perfect coffee for a cold brew is coarsely-ground coffee. Most at-home coffee-grinders have a time indicator for coarsely-ground, medium-ground, or fine-power. Don’t overdo it! You can also grind the coffee beans at your local supermarket or coffee shop.
Of course, you can always buy ground coffee, but in this case, keep in mind that the grind size is an important factor for cold brewing. When buying ground coffee, search for brands that offer coffee specifically for cold brew.
Step 3: Coffee-to-Water Ratio
Cold-brew coffee results in a very strong drink with a smooth consistency that sometimes can feel watery. This is why it’s important to find the balance between the coffee strength and concentration. Besides a precise coffee to water ratio, you also need to consider the strength of the coffee itself.
Some coffee beans are stronger (higher caffeine concentration) than others, and while stronger beans are great for espresso shots, they can be overwhelming for a cold brew. This also depends a lot on your personal preference, but generally, milder coffee works better.
When it comes to coffee to water ratio, the 1:3 ratio (1 cup of ground coffee for 3 cups of water) usually works well for most people. You can try and make it a little more condensed, as you can always dilute it with more water after it has steeped overnight. Diluting it after steeping is not the best solution, but it works until you learn what’s the right ratio for you.
Step 4: Steeping Time
Cold brewing coffee is insanely easy, but it’s an incredibly long process. To get the best taste, you should steep the coffee for at least 12 hours, but not more than 24 hours.
Some people leave the coffee in the fridge overnight (8-9 hours) and they’re satisfied with the taste. If you drink your coffee milder, this time frame might work for you, too. However, the 12 to 24-hour marks are a safer bet for passionate coffee aficionados.
Don’t leave the coffee steeping for more than 24 hours, as it can get very bitter. Even if you make a weekly batch, make sure to strain the coffee after the steeping time has passed.
If you use a cold brew, mason jar filter, you only have to remove the filter and you can even drink directly from the mason jar.
Step 5: Drinking Time and Storage
We know that the devil is in the details, so make sure you invest a few minutes into research before drinking it. Most coffee lovers drink cold brew coffee black and without sugar, but this might be a little too harsh and strong for some. Adding ice, sugar, and milk is no sin.
Don’t be shy and try out different recipes, as there are plenty on the internet. The simplest way to enrich the flavor and make the coffee more refreshing is to add ice cubes and just a little bit of milk froth or milk cream.
Before You Go
Now that you know how easy it is to make cold brew coffee in a mason jar, there’s nothing stopping you from turning it into a wonderful summer ritual. You can surprise your friends and family with something different than the old well-known ice-coffee.
Hopefully, our guide was easy to follow and motivated you to start cold brewing. If you’re interested to find out more about coffee, check out some of our other articles on the subject. Feel free to also visit our blog where we regularly share articles covering kitchen appliances reviews, guides, as well as delicious recipes that will go perfectly with a cup of coffee.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Disclaimer: Although I personally have developed an aversion to puns over the years, the word froth is simply too resourceful to ignore. So get ready for some awful, awful wordplay (unfortunately, that title is just the beginning).
There are several stops on the long, winding path of the coffee enthusiast. The journey begins when you realize that instant coffee is, well, crap. So you start seeking out methods to recreate the perfect cup of joe in the convenience of your own home. You start off with a Moka pot, you upgrade to a drip coffee maker, you get a bit lost in the woods by purchasing a French press, but eventually, that gets tucked away in a cupboard and you find your way again, and then maybe, just maybe, you go and get yourself an espresso machine.
After you master the basics, like different types of grind, however, the road begins descending into the valley of finesse. You’ve spoiled your taste buds to the point where your palette will be having none of that Robusta nonsense, which is a hop, skip, and a jump away from realizing you really need a milk frother.
Because without that layer of perfect, silky foam, a cappuccino is basically just espresso with milk. You see, Froth Gild’st the Even (may Shakespeare forgive me for this atrocity), for without froth, your coffee, at best, would take on an unattractive brownish color after you’ve added a bit of that straight-out-the-fridge milk.
Of course, not having an espresso machine doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get in on that frothy goodness. Froth can turn any old cup of joe into a coffeeshop-worthy product. With that in mind – how do you get the full coffee shop experience in your home? Why, by getting a milk frother, of course! Fear not, young padawan, we have scoured the market and rounded up the best milk frothers for any home, budget, and preference, so you needn’t look frother than our product reviews to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Make sure you read our buying guide below the products, to get our advice on how to choose the best milk frother for you.
Best Milk Frother: Reviews of Our Favorites for 2020
Before we take a tour through our favorite milk frothers for 2020, here’s a quick look of what we have in store for you:
The HIC milk frother isn’t just our favorite – it’s been a customer favorite, too, for a couple of years now. It’s our top recommendation for most people since it’s durable, easy to use, and provides truly beautiful results.
The HIC works with all kinds of milk, including non-dairy alternatives, and allows you to create thick cream that will last. It has a 14-ounce capacity and is quite easy to clean. The HIC is a manual frother, which means you’ll have to put some elbow grease to pump the milk and transform it into froth. However, this also gives you the opportunity to control just how thick your cream should be.
This milk frother offers excellent performance, without fail. The featured double-mesh aerator provides thick, creamy foam that will look beautiful on your cup of java and will taste just right. Some frothers make the foam too aerated, others fail to make it thick enough. The HIC strikes the perfect balance. Plus, the stainless steel pitcher keeps the milk warm.
The HIC milk frother is quite versatile. It allows you to create rich foam from both hot and cold milk. As we’ve mentioned, it works just as well with all kinds of milk, from dairy options like whole, skimmed or goat milk, to non-dairy alternatives, such as soy, almond, hemp, and cashew milk. This makes the HIC a wonderful choice for lactose-intolerant people and vegans, as they can achieve the same creamy results as dairy lovers.
This frother is quite easy to use. The pitcher comes with a plunger and a lid. Once you’ve filled the pitcher with milk, you need to secure the lid and pump the easy-grip handle on the plunger to turn that milk into foam. Officially, the process takes anywhere between 30 to 60 seconds, depending on how frothy you want your cream. Unofficially, it may only take a couple of seconds for the milk froth to rise to 2 to 3 times its size. You can experiment and see how much pumping provides your desired frothsistency.
The HIC is super easy to clean. You can wash the parts separately once your coffee’s ready. Plus, as it doesn’t have any electric parts, you can always stick it into the dishwasher after use.
Last but certainly not least, this frother is quite durable. For one, it doesn’t feature any electric parts that could break down or malfunction. For another, it’s made of sturdy stainless steel that won’t get damaged.
One drawback is that even if you secure the lid properly, some milk may leak out of the hole on the top which holds the plunger. Two tips we can give you if this happens are one, don’t overfill the pitcher, and two, do the pumping in the sink.
If you’re looking for something versatile, easy-to-use, and effective, you’ll love the Aerolatte handheld milk frother. The Aerolatte is battery-powered and lightweight, which makes it the ideal portable choice. It even features a travel storage case, for those of you who want coffeeshop-quality cream when you camp, travel or go to work. This is one of our most affordable recommendations.
Considering its price and size, the Aerolatte brings its A-game. The powerful mechanism will provide you with lovely froth in no time. It’s also quite versatile, as it works with both hot and cold milk. You can even use it to whisk eggs on days when you want them nice and fluffy.
Without a doubt, the Aerolatte is the perfect portable choice. It weighs only 4.6 ounces, and doesn’t require a power source to function – all you need are working batteries. As we’ve mentioned, the travel storage case that comes with the frother will make carrying it everywhere you go even simpler.
The Aerolatte is one of the easiest-to-use frothers on the market. All you do is turn it on, stick it in a cup of milk, and wait for 20-60 seconds, depending on how foamy you want your cream. It’s quite powerful, but not so powerful that it will have the batteries popping out. It’s also easy to wash – requiring only a bit of soap and warm water. Once you’re done washing it, you can just stick next to your cutlery – it takes up next to no space. Keep in mind that it’s not dishwasher-washable, as it features electric parts.
Although it’s small and lanky, the Aerolatte is surprisingly sturdy. It’s made up of stainless steel and plastic. The materials used are free of lead, cadmium, phthalates, and BPA, which makes it a safe choice for consumers. Additionally, this little frother is backed by a 2-year warranty.
Failing to mention how cute the design is would be a damn shame. You can get the Aerolatte in an adorable cow-print design, in black– if you’re a serious person, or in Union Jack design (the UK flag) if you’re a UK national that’s feeling patriotic, or simply have a thing for all things British ever since you read Harry Potter. Or should we say, Harry Frother (I’m so sorry, but you were warned).
While you could use the Aerolatte for all sorts of milk, it doesn’t work very well with non-dairy alternatives like almond or soy. It will give them some bubbles, but not much creaminess.
No products found.The HadinEEon is a great choice for those looking for a frother that doubles as a steamer. We really liked the versatile features and excellent performance of the HadinEEon. Although it’s a bit pricier than our other recommendations, the HadinEEon comes with one of the best warranties on the market and a friendly, helpful support team that won’t leave you hanging. You can use it for anything from milk to hot chocolate, and it froths both cold and hot beverages.
Plus, you can both heat your milk and turn it into perfect cream for your cappuccino all from one place! This is an electric, corded model so you’ll probably permanently need to sacrifice some space on your kitchen counter (unless you prefer stowing it away after each use).
In terms of performance, the HadinEEon will give you exactly what you want: perfectly dense, velvety foam to top off your coffee with, so you can skip Starbucks altogether. Whether it’s to froth milk, heat it up, or both, the HadinEEon will do it in no time – taking only a minute or so to get the job done with minimal input on your part. Plus, this frother features whisper-quiet operation, so no one in your household will be awakened by your early bird rituals.
The HadinEEon is one of the most versatile milk frothers we came across. In addition to it being a frother and a steamer at the same time, it can froth both hot and cold beverages, along with all kinds of milk, dairy and non-dairy.
We especially recommend the HadinEEon for busy people and households that need their coffee ready yesterday. You can just adjust the settings for what you want (cold froth, hot froth, or steaming/heating) and let this little gadget do the rest. As we’ve mentioned, it only takes about a minute or two. For heating and hot frothing, HadinEEon measures the temperature of the milk automatically, and always brings it up to 140℉, which is the ideal milk temperature for lattes and cappuccinos. Once it reaches 140℉, it automatically shuts off.
Operating and cleaning the HadinEEon is quite simple. There are intuitive LED-lit buttons on the handle that let you choose between cold frothing and heating/frothing. Once you’ve chosen a setting, the featured froth whisk or heating whisk will do their job. The jug is detachable from the heating element, so it will be easy to pour that foam with the elegance that your coffee deserves. Cleaning is super easy thanks to the non-stick coating on the inside of the jug that won’t allow grease to stick and make washup a nightmare.
Although customers have some doubts when it comes to electrics, the HaddinEEon is quite durable. The jug is made of stainless steel which provides excellent insulation. What will really make you comfortable about this purchase, however, is the 3-year warranty that the company offers along with the 1-year money-back guarantee, which has been tested and proven to be true, not just an empty promise.
This frother has a 4.4 oz frothing capacity for frothing and a 10.1 oz heating capacity.
One possible drawback is that the HaddinEEon won’t heat your milk past 140℉, so if you like piping hot coffee or chocolate milk, you may be disappointed.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that the volume markers are placed on the inside of the frother, which makes it a bit difficult to read. So beware of overfilling the jug – it may result in spilling.
Our favorite frother for those on a budget is the Bellemain Hand Pump Milk Frother. It’s quite similar to the HIC in design and functionality. You can use the Bellemain to both froth and heat up the milk, thanks to the durable stainless steel build. The froth it produces is long-lasting. Of course, you can manually adjust its creaminess. It has a 14 oz capacity.
The Bellemain brings coffeeshop-quality froth to your home workstation. This pump-based frother will allow you to produce delicious, creamy foam with a density that’s to your liking, as you’ll be doing the work manually, by pumping. Like the HIC, it can take anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds to get the ideal amount of thickness for your taste.
Along with the Aerolatte, the Bellemain is another great option for travel, and specifically, camping. It’s light and sturdy, so you won’t worry about it when you’re throwing around your backpack on airplanes, cars, or campsites. Although it’s a bit bulkier than the Aerolatte, it has the edge when it comes to versatility. This is because the Bellemain can be used to heat up your milk before frothing it, too, thanks to its durable stainless steel build. Of course, you’d want to steer clear of overheating it, as that can also damage the container.
The Bellemain’s versatility doesn’t end at heating. Not only can it be used for frothing cold and hot milk, but it’s also a great choice for preparing eggnog, salad dressing, cocktails, and hot chocolate, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You know what, go crazy with it. Do anything for froth’s sake.
Cleaning the Bellemain is quite easy. You can quickly wash it by hand, or stick in the top rack of the dishwasher.
The Bellemain offers great value for your money as it’s a durable little frother. It’s made of stainless steel that can withstand wear and tear, and it’s backed by a 2-year warranty.
While the stainless steel is indeed durable, the rubber piece on the lid which holds the plunger is a bit flimsy. It may grow loose after a couple of months of rigorous frothing. The worst that will come of this is some milk splashing about when you pump, in which case, as we recommended above – pump in the sink.
The HIC Milk Frother is our overall top choice for the delicious, dense, creamy foam that it can help you create. It’s the perfect choice for most froth-lovers as it strikes the perfect balance between price and quality. Yes, you’ll need to work a bit for your froth – but it’ll only take a couple of seconds to get a consistency that’s tailored to your taste. We especially recommend the HIC for non-dairy kinds of milk, as it’s uniquely successful in making the frothy.
Our favorite portable milk frother is the Aerolatte Handheld Milk Frother. This little machine comes with a lot of power that will turn your hot or cold milk into the foamy cream you desire for a beautiful finish to your cup of java. It’s tiny, lightweight, and comes with its own travel storage case! It will fit as well in a suitcase as it would into your kitchen’s top-shelf. It’s also quite affordable.
If you’re looking for more than a frother, the No products found. is a great combination of frother and steamer. It can be used to froth hot or cold milk, but also just to heat your milk or hot chocolate. It’s a corded, electric model that does everything on its own – no hand-holding is necessary to get creamy froth for your coffee. Fill it up and tell it what to do, then come back for your foam a minute later. Keep in mind that this is our priciest recommendation – but it is durable and backed by a great warranty.
Our best budget-friendly recommendation is the Bellemain Hand Pump Milk Frother, a pump-based, stainless steel frother not unlike the HIC. The Bellemain is humble, straightforward, and durable. You can pump it as much as you like to achieve the desired density of your froth. It’s a great choice for campers that want a frother which they can also use for heating up the milk.
How To Choose The Right Milk Frother
Alright, so we’ve gone over what the best milk frothers are on the market – but which one is the right choice for you? Let’s take a look at the main factors you should consider when choosing.
What kind of milk do you drink?
As you may have realized, while all milk frothers do just fine with dairy milk, not all of them do as well with non-dairy alternatives. If you’re a vegan or lactose-intolerant, make sure you pick out a frother that works with almond, soy, and oatmeal milk, like the HIC.
Are you stationed, or on-the-go?
Some milk frothers, like the No products found., are only good for homes and offices. As this model is corded, you can’t exactly take it with you wherever you go. On the other hand, if you prefer something portable that you can take with you when you travel or camp, you should consider one of our handheld, portable recommendations.
What’s your budget?
Consider how much you’re willing or able to spend on a frother. While all our recommendations are reasonably priced, there is a broad-ish range. The HaddinEEon is the priciest option, costing No products found.. The HIC comes second at a bit over $19.49. The Aerolatte and the Bellemain are priced at $25.15 and $18.97 respectively. Still, follow the links to these products to check their current prices.
A Few Words Before You Go…
Hopefully, our reviews and buying guide have been helpful on your journey to becoming a full-on coffee guru. And you don’t need to spend a lot of money on an expensive espresso machine to have a frothy cuppa coffee.
If you’re interested, you can check out more of our product reviews and guides, along with some tasty recipes that will help you convert your home into a make-believe coffeeshop. Especially if you’ve been cooked up in quarantine, trying something different can transport you – or at least your taste buds – to a simpler time (so like, last year).
In the end, all we’d like to say is may the froth be with you, and also, since we’re not picking sides, live long and frothper. :/
Want to see our favorite milk frothers one more time before you go? Here they are!
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Have you ever wondered what the most elite coffee beans in the world are? From unique flavors to intense aftertaste and fresh aroma in the air, if you’re a true coffee enthusiast, you would probably want to try everything that the coffee industry has to offer.
If that sounds like an impossible feat, we did the research for you. We compared and reviewed 10 of the world’s best coffee-growing countries that produce the most famous coffee beans that are enjoyed worldwide.
Keep reading to find out more about how the most exotic types of coffee are produced, the specific coffee taste each of them has, the brands that sell them, and the best brewing methods for each country.
What Are The Most Exotic Types Of Coffee Around The World?
Brazilian, Ethiopian, Vietnamese, Greek, or Turkish – which are the countries that produce some of the world’s finest coffee beans and unique coffee flavors? Let’s break down the top 10 countries all over the world and their best coffee brands.
Brazilian Coffee
Brazil is easily associated with high-quality coffee and that is not without reason – their climate is ideal for growing coffee beans. In fact, Brazil is the world’s largest coffee exporter, accounting for the production of one-third of all coffee in the world. So, having these figures in mind, it’s understandable why some of the best coffee beans come from Brazil.
The majority of coffee plantations are located in the southeastern states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Paraná, where two coffee species are grown, arabica and robusta. Arabica dominates the plantations (70%), while robusta is produced more exclusively. Coffee manufacturers sell coffee in two forms – ground/roasted coffee beans and instant coffee. Robusta is mainly produced as an instant coffee and some coffee gurus consider it to be of lower quality.
Taste: Depending on the species, bean variety, and brand, the flavor varies, but you can expect high-quality Brazilian coffee to be of low acidity with a nutty and sweet chocolatey flavor. It’s not very intense, which means it’s a great addition to most blends as it serves as a balancing note.
Where To Find And Buy Brazilian Coffee?
Thankfully, Brazilian coffee is easy to find, and you can order it online through many websites, or even on Amazon. Brazilian coffee blends are often found in supermarkets, although single-origin coffee beans and ground are best purchased from highly-rated sellers on Amazon or other online stores. Most specialized coffee stores have Brazilian coffee beans and grounds. The one thing you should keep in mind is to always buy fresh coffee beans. Since Brazilian coffee is mild, stale beans might be completely flavorless.
Mundo Novo, Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Acaia, and Icatu, are just some of the most popular coffee varieties grown in Brazil. Most of them are used as a base rather than the main driver of flavor, which is why despite the numerous brands Brazil has, only a few offer premium specialty coffee. Café Pilao, Café do Ponto, Brazil Santos Coffee, Cafe Melitta, and Santa Clara are just some examples.
How To Make Brazilian Coffee?
Brazilians drink their coffee black with a lot of sugar. It’s always a good idea to have Brazilian coffee beans when you want to make your own unique blends, as it’s a great foundation and offers a mild balancing flavor. Espresso is also a specialty for many Brazilians, as it is Brazilian coffee with chocolate or vanilla, and/or milk.
Kenyan Coffee
The coffee industry is very important in Kenya even though around 70% of the coffee is produced by small-scale companies. Some of the major coffee-growing regions in Kenya include Mt. Kenya, Kisii, Nyanza, the Aberdare Range, Nakuru, Kericho, Bungoma, and some other smaller coast provinces.
Most of the coffee grown in Kenya has the Strictly High Grown (SHG) status as the beans are grown between 1,400 meters to 2,000 meters above sea level. The volcanic soils and optimal climate in Kenya allow a lot of coffee varieties to be cultivated, like Batian, Ruiru 11, K7, SL 28, etc.
Taste: The coffee in Kenya resembles the famous Colombia coffee flavor and has a full-body aroma. We can also describe it as crisp and vibrant, with a very rich taste with bitter-sweet cocoa notes. Although, you should note that the flavor and taste vary greatly between regions.
Where To Find And Buy Kenyan Coffee?
You can buy Kenyan coffee in big coffee shops, as well as online shops and markets like Amazon.
When buying Kenyan coffee look for the class label, which grades the quality from 1 (worst) to 10 (best). You may also notice another grading system (Kenya E, Kenya AA, Kenya C, etc.) describing Kenyan beans’ size. The Kenya AA beans are grown 6,600 feet above sea level and are considered one of the finest specialty coffees.
Because of the high elevation, Kenyan coffee plantations produce some of the best premium gourmet coffees in the world. The best-known brands include Kenya AA Coffee Beans and Kenya Peaberry by Volcanica Coffee, Green Mountain Coffee, Fresh Roasted Coffee, and Coffee Bean Direct, among others.
How To Make Kenyan Coffee?
To fully enjoy the rich taste of Kenyan coffee beans, you should make Kahawa Chunghu (Kenyan Bitter Coffee) as many of the natives do. You can also brew the coffee through the steeping rather than the drip method, which is the best way to savor the subtle aromas. You can use a French Press or an Aeropress to do this.
Guatemalan Coffee
Guatemalan coffee would appeal most to hard-core coffee lovers that want a unique and robust flavor. Although small, Guatemala is one of the top ten coffee producers in the world and delivers some of the finest coffee grounds/beans well-known among coffee experts.
There are eight regions in Guatemala responsible for almost all of the coffee production – Antigua, Acatenango, Atitlán, Cobán, Fraijanes, Nuevo Oriente, and San Marcos.
The coffee plantations are located at an altitude varying from 500–5,000 meters (1,600–16,400 ft) above sea level.
There are three types of coffee beans grown in Guatemala, which are known all over the world – the Antigua Santa Barbara, Huehuetenango, and San Marcos.
Taste: The three types of beans offer three different flavors. San Marcos beans offer a nutty flavor with floral notes. Huehuetenango is sweeter with a caramel-like flavor and a very light aftertaste, while the Antigua Santa Barbara beans produce a sweet and creamy coffee flavor with chocolatey notes.
Where To Find And Buy Guatemalan Coffee?
There are many online websites that offer high-quality Guatemalan coffee grounds, like CafeCampesino, although you can also find some well-reviewed sellers on common marketplaces like Amazon. No matter where you choose to buy from, make sure the seller has good reviews and the coffee beans are fresh.
When shopping for the best of the best Guatemalan coffee brands, look for Guatemala Peaberry (Volcanica), Guatemala Finca Nuevo Vinas, Guatemala Antigua (Volcanica), Cooper’s Cask Guatemalan, and Pablo’s Pride Guatemala.
How To Make Guatemalan Coffee?
The best thing about Guatemalan coffee is that it’s highly versatile, so you can enjoy it as a hot brew, cold brew, drip coffee, or pour-over coffee. The best methods to make Guatemalan coffee include French Press, Pour-over, and long steeping time for Cold Brew.
Peruvian Coffee
Peru is the third-largest coffee producer in South America, after Brazil and Colombia. In the world, Peru is in eleventh place with around 192,000 tons of coffee produced yearly. Peruvian coffee is considered to be one of the best in the world because most of the production comes from small plantations, where farmers have no access to chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Coffee plantations can be found in the regions around the Andes mountain range, as the climate there is ideal for growing specialty coffee. The major Peruvian coffee regions are Chanchamayo, Cajamarca, Cenfrocafe, Amazonas, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huánaco.
Taste: Peruvian coffee offers a variety of flavors and tastes but most coffee beans have strong aromatic qualities with a fruity or nutty sweetness. The coffee profile is very rich, so you can expect a pleasant experience even when drinking it black on its own.
Where To Find And Buy Peruvian Coffee?
Single-origin Peruvian coffee might be harder to find in local coffee shops, although you have plenty of options online and on Amazon. When buying, make sure you choose 100% Arabica coffee beans that are grown at least 1,200 meters above sea level. No matter where you’re in the world, you can enjoy high-quality Peruvian coffee beans, and here’s what you should look for.
The most popular premium Peruvian coffee brands are Volcanica Peruvian Coffee, Fresh Roasted Coffee Peru, Café Altura Peruvian Coffee, Java Planet Decaf Peruvian Coffee, Cubicao Coffee’s Peru, and AmazonFresh Organic Peruvian Ground Coffee.
How To Make Peruvian Coffee?
Most Peruvian coffee beans have a dark roast with smooth and nutty flavors, so you can make a French Press, pour-over coffee, or espresso to make sure you bring out as much flavor as possible. Using these methods, you’ll create a rich and saturated cup of coffee that will overwhelm your taste buds in the best possible way.
Nicaraguan Coffee
Right after Peru comes Nicaragua, which produces more than 130,000 tons of coffee a year. Nicaragua may be a small country, but the coffee industry plays a big part in the country’s history and economy. Some of the regions that produce great coffee are the Managua Department, Diriamba, San Marcos, Lake Nicaragua, Nueva Segovia, although the best coffee is believed to be produced in Matagalpa and in Jinotega.
Coffee in Nicaragua is grown between 1097 and 1600 meters above sea level, although there are some regions with much lower sea levels that grow coffee successfully. Although the coffee isn’t grown at a very high elevation, it’s still considered high-quality and premium because Nicaragua grows mainly organic arabica beans. You can expect to find the following types of coffee beans: Caturra, bourbon, red and yellow Catuai, Maragogype, Pacamara, and others.
Taste: Nicaragua coffee delivers a mild taste and a flavor of smooth and medium body with mild acidity and fruity, crisp notes.
Where To Find And Buy Nicaraguan Coffee?
The best place to find and buy Nicaraguan coffee is at a trusted local store where you can be sure you’re getting fresh coffee beans/grounds. However, you also have a variety of options online where you can find the most famous brands from Nicaragua. Make sure you buy from a website that delivers within a week once you place your order. Don’t buy from off-the-shelf brands because the coffee might have been produced a long time ago and the flavor might be mostly gone.
Some of the best Nicaraguan coffee brands worth your attention include Matagalpa – Nicaragua Coffee (Volcanica), Finca El Bosque (Rave Coffee), Nicaragua Dry Process Java Cultivar (Sweet Maria’s), and Tiny Footprint Coffee – Fair Trade Organic Nicaragua Segovia.
How To Make Nicaraguan Coffee?
If you like to roast your coffee at home, Nicaraguan coffee beans are a pretty safe and easy bet. Use elephant beans to make a medium roast, while dark roasts create richer but more subtle taste. Beans from Jinotega and Matagalpa are great for dark roasts and espresso. Elephant beans should be used only for light to medium roasts.
To fully enjoy the flavor of Nicaraguan coffee, use an espresso machine or a cold brew method with room temperature filtered water.
Cuban Coffee
If you prefer strong coffee, then you’re surely familiar with the Cuban coffee brands, but in case you’re not – you’re missing out a lot. While Cuba has been a major player in the coffee production industry in the past, today it exports less 6,000 tons of coffee yearly. However, the smaller production hasn’t affected the quality and strength of the coffee grown in Cuba, which is why Cuban coffee is known all around the world, making it even more exclusive.
90% of the coffee plantations can be found in the Sierra Maestra mountains where a variety of arabica and robusta coffee beans are grown. The most famous coffee types in Cuba are Cortadito, Café con Leche, and Colada.
Taste: Cuban coffee has a strong and intense taste, darker tones, and thicker consistency. Most of the beans are entirely organic and hand-picked. However, the single-most defining characteristic of Cuban coffee is the unique sweetness that comes from the hydrolysis of the sucrose in the demerara sugar. The coffee is usually pre-sweetened before brewing, which results in the familiar taste. It’s not the same as sweating the coffee while brewing it after, which is why Cuban coffee is incredibly unique.
Where To Find And Buy Cuban Coffee?
Unfortunately, sourcing original Cuban coffee in the USA can be difficult because of the complex trade relations between the two countries. If you’re in Europe or Japan, on the other hand, you might even find Cuban coffee in some local coffee shops. Online websites and marketplaces like Amazon might be a good alternative, although you might have to compromise on the freshness of the coffee. Another possible solution is to buy coffee from Cuban-style coffee brands, which are not sourced from Cuba but are suitable for making Cuban-style coffee.
The best brands that offer coffee grown in Cuba include Supreme by Bustelo Whole Bean, Mayorga Organics Cafe Cubano, and Café La Llave Espresso.
How To Make Cuban Coffee?
If you want to follow the Cuban tradition, the first thing you should acquire is a Moka pot, in which Cubans make their coffee. The pot is made from stainless steel material and the coffee is brewed by pushing water up through the coffee grounds with the help of steam pressure.
Vietnamese Coffee
After Brazil, Vietnam is the second-largest coffee producer in the world. True coffee aficionados are probably familiar with the cà phê đá, the most popular Vietnamese iced coffee, although Vietnam has a lot more to offer. In fact, up to 90 – 95% of the coffee production in Vietnam is being exported all around the world. Today, Vietnam is considered to be one of the most competitive producers of robusta coffee.
The majority of the coffee plantations in Vietnam produce robusta coffee, which is considered to be more bitter and less aromatic than arabica. Robusta is generally used for making instant coffee and low-quality blends, although most people are drinking Vietnamese coffee without even realizing it. Nescafé, Starbucks, Boncafé, and other major coffee brands use Vietnamese coffee for some of their most popular coffee drinks.
Taste: Vietnamese coffee is twice as strong as other arabica coffee beans, and has a distinctive flavor due to the high acidity and thick lingering taste. Most of the time, some of the beans in the blend are over-roasted, which results in a unique aroma.
Where To Find And Buy Vietnamese Coffee?
Vietnamese coffee is distributed all around the world, which means you can find it at local coffee shops, some larger supermarkets, or even common online marketplaces fairly easily. When buying Vietnamese coffee, make sure the beans/grounds are fresh and fair-trade sourced.
Some of the best Vietnamese coffee brands you can find online and in-store are Chestbrew – Moon Bear Premium Vietnamese Coffee, Trung Nguyen -Premium Blend, Dalat Peaberry Robusta, Lang Thang – Saigon Phin Daklak, and VN Roaster – Butter Roasted Coffee.
How To Make Vietnamese Coffee?
While Brazilian, Kenyan, and even Guatemalan coffee are more suited for the French Press method, Vietnamese coffee is almost always made using the drip method. However, there are other characteristics that make Vietnamese-style coffee unique.
Generally, the coffee is prepared in single-cup filters/brewers known as phin. The coffee is served while still brewing and it’s mixed with sweetened condensed milk instead of fresh milk. Most famous Vietnamese coffee recipes include Coffee with milk (ca phe nau), Yoghurt coffee (sua chua ca phe), Egg coffee (ca phe trung), Coconut coffee (ca phe cot dua), and many more.
Greek Coffee
Have you ever heard of frappé coffee? If you have, then you’re already familiar with the most popular greek iced-coffee. As opposed to all other counties that we mentioned so far, Greece doesn’t grow their own coffee. Greeks are famous for being among the world’s 20 biggest coffee drinking nations, with 5.4 kg of annual coffee consumption per capita.
Greece imports coffee from Latin America’s countries like Brazil and Colombia, as well as African countries like Kenya and Ethiopia.
The Frappe was invented through experimentation with instant coffee by Dimitris Vakondios, who was a Nescafe representative back in 1957 in Thessaloniki. This is why the Nescafe brand offers a special Nescafe Frappe instant coffee. Frappe basically means “a drink chilled with ice” which is exactly how one can describe the famous Greek coffee.
Taste: The Frappe has a distinctive mild taste, with a subtle nutty flavor. It’s really sweet since it’s made with sugar and milk. Some recipes use melted chocolate, which makes the frappe even sweeter. Without sugar, the frappe has a strong, bitter taste.
How To Make Greek Coffee?
To make Greek frappe iced-coffee, you need to buy granulated instant coffee from a brand that you trust (in Greece, Nescafe is what’s generally used, milder and sweeter blends in particular). You’ll also need a cocktail shaker or an electric milkshake maker.
First, add the coffee, sugar, and 50-70 mg of water in a high cup and blend until you create a thick foam. Take a high serving mug or glass, add two or three ice-cubes, and pour the blended coffee mixture over. Then fill the rest of the glass with milk (if you like it stronger, use less milk), and you’re done.
Turkish Coffee
Just like Greece, there isn’t a single coffee tree in Turkey, although the whole world has heard about the famous Turkish coffee. It’s a unique and distinctive style of preparing hot brewed coffee, without filtering. Turkish coffee made our list because it’s hard to call yourself a true coffee expert without trying the traditional Turkish coffee.
Taste: Turkish coffee has a very thick consistency and a grainy taste since it’s not filtered. The flavor is bittersweet with bold smokey notes. It has a distinctive and rich aftertaste because you’re drinking the unfiltered coffee itself. Depending on the coffee beans used, there will be some subtle variations in the taste.
Where To Find And Buy Turkish Coffee?
Since Turkey doesn’t grow its own coffee, to make Turkey-style coffee, you’ll need finely ground arabica coffee that has a powder-like consistency. If you can’t find some Turkish coffee brands, you can ask your local coffee shop to have your arabica coffee ground for Turkish coffee.
On Amazon, you can find some of the best Turkish coffee brands, which are Mehmet Efendi – Kurukhaveci, Nurettin Kocatepe (known as the Ataturk’s coffee), Cezbeli, Dunyasi, Tugba, and more.
How To Make Turkish Coffee?
To prepare authentic Turkish coffee, you’ll need an ibrik – a small coffee pot in which the coffee is boiled.
Turn the stove on, and add 1 cup (as much as your serving cup) room temperature water in the ibrik. After this, add 1 to 1 ½ tsp of coffee, and one tsp of sugar (although this depends on your personal preferences and taste). Mix the coffee mixture with a spoon and place the ibrik over the stove. Boil until there’s a thin foam over the coffee. Once the coffee starts to rise, remove it from heat and pour it in the serving cup. Don’t mix, because it’s not filtered and you’ll ruin the consistency.
Ethiopian Coffee
Ethiopia has an incredibly diverse variety of geographical sub-regions, from depressions to mountains with 4,600 meters above sea level peaks – the Semien mountains. Considering its geographical variety, it comes as no surprise that Ethiopia is the origin of all coffee, as arabica was first found there and then distributed around the world. It all began around 1,000 years ago, in Ethiopia’s southwestern highlands, specifically the region named Kaffa, which is where the name of this beloved drink actually originates. However, ancient texts give evidence that coffee drinking might have even begun as early as the 9th century in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia enjoys an ideal production environment for growing some of the finest coffee beans in the world. The major regions where coffee arabica is grown include Sidamo, Genika, and Harar. Genika is arguably the most famous, as “Ethiopia Genika” has become an elite type of arabica coffee of single origin grown exclusively in the Bench Maji Zone of Ethiopia.
When it comes to coffee bean variety, Ethiopian coffee can be divided into three categories: Longberry, Shortberry, and Mocha. Longberry is considered to be of the highest quality, while Mocha beans are known for their distinctive chocolatey and fruity notes.
Taste: Depending on the region where it’s been grown, Ethiopian coffee varies in taste. Sidamo regions are famous for their strong lemon and citrus notes that follow their strictly high grown beans. Genika coffee beans have more chocolate-like taste, while the Harar coffee beans are known for their mocha flavor.
Where To Find And Buy Ethiopian Coffee?
Buying single-origin Ethiopian Coffee is not a hard task, although you should be careful and buy only from trusted sellers, to ensure you don’t end up with a blend of beans with compromised quality. A lot of online coffee-shops offer coffee from famous Ethiopian coffee brands, and some of them can even be found on common marketplaces like Amazon.
The best Ethiopian coffee brands are Volcanica Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Stumptown Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Mordecofe, Sweet Maria’s Ethiopian Coffee Beans, Organic Sidamo – FreshRoastedCoffee, Oromia Gomma Microlot Coffee – Cooper’s Coffee Company, and Bekama Solinté Organic Coffee.
How To Make Ethiopian Coffee?
When searching on the internet, you’ll get a lot of results referencing a “ceremony” or “the importance of the ritual” when making Ethiopian coffee. This highlights the specific process when brewing Ethiopian coffee. The first step is to wash the fresh Ethiopian beans to remove the skin. After this, the beans are roasted over a tiny charcoal stove. The next step is grinding the beans, which traditionally is done with a pestle and a mortar. Finally, the coffee powder should be boiled in a jebena – a traditional coffee boiling pot. Here’s a more specific recipe you can follow.
Before You Go
Hopefully, our article will be of use to you the next time you go shopping for a new coffee or at least motivate you to start experimenting with new flavors. You can now make an informed decision on how to combine the beans to make a delicious personalized coffee blend or filter the good from the low-quality beans.
To find out more about coffee, coffee products, and recipes that go perfectly with a cup of coffee, make sure to visit our blog.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Summer is coming, temperatures are rising, and suddenly, cold brew coffee is everywhere. It’s refreshing and wakes up your body, giving you the strength to get through another busy day in the heat.
Sure, you can buy cold brew coffee in any coffee shop or local supermarket as a ready-to-drink refreshment, but for the true coffee enthusiasts, that’s not good enough. Brewing at home comes with many advantages, and the unique and intense aroma is definitely one of its biggest advantages.
Additionally, when you make coffee at home, you can control its quality, strength, and sugar level (as opposed to ready-to-drink coffee from the supermarket). However, there’s a learning curve for brewing a rich and sense-pleasing cup of cold coffee perfectly. So, where do you start, and what’s the most important thing you should consider when cold brewing?
The first step to a flawless cold brew is the coffee quality. Are you roasting at home or buying roasted whole beans? Are you buying coffee grounds, or you want to make the most out of your instant coffee? In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about cold brewing, so let’s start with the best coffee for cold brew.
What Is a Cold Brew?
Before we dwell on the specifics of cold brew coffee, let’s talk about the characteristic of the method itself and what separates it from regular brewing and ice coffee, especially.
Cold brewing is an alternative brewing method that’s used to make coffee without using heat at all. While regular brewing uses water between 91 – 96°C (195 – 205°F) to extract coffee, cold brewing is a long process where the coffee is extracted in cold water from 2 to 22°C (although these numbers are just loose guidelines, not strict rules). Because the water is cold, the compounds in the coffee take a long time to extract. In fact, the coffee is left in the water for at least 12 to 24 hours. Think about cold brewing as a long process where the coffee grounds are steeped in cold filtered water until the coffee is completely extracted.
Typically, people mistake cold-brewed coffee with iced coffee. They’re both cold, refreshing drinks, but iced coffee is made through regular brewing with hot water, after which the coffee is cooled, or it’s poured over ice cubes.
The Effects of Temperature on Taste
Iced coffee and cold brew coffee differ in taste as well. This is because the temperature affects the chemical compounds in coffee that release flavor.
Iced coffee is similar to regular brewed coffee, but the taste will be with milder, more diluted flavor, because of the cooling period and the ice cubes.
On the other hand, cold brew coffee will have a distinct taste. This is because certain flavor-releasing compounds are only extracted at close to boiling temperature. For example, some lighter floral and fruity notes in a coffee can only be extracted through hot brewing. Cold brew coffee is considered to be less acidic and easier on the stomach.
Сan You Use Regular Coffee for Cold Brew?
Technically, yes, you can drink cold brew coffee from any kind of coffee beans/grounds. However, when it comes to taste, not every coffee produces optimal results when steeped in cold water. Different coffee beans deliver different flavors.
If you find yourself without the right beans, you can always run to the grocery store and buy coarse-ground coffee. The grinding size is really important, which we’ll discuss in detail in the next section.
Nonetheless, if you want to learn how to cold brew a sense-pleasing cup of coffee, then the first step is to choose the right coffee beans or grounds.
Factors That Affect the Quality of Cold Brewing: Choosing the Best Coffee for Cold Brewing
There are several factors that affect the quality of cold brewing, the grind size, roast type, and homogeneity of the coffee being the most important ones.
Where the bean is grown, the elevation at which it is grown, how it was picked, processed, and stored, are additional factors that can affect the flavor.
Grind Size
Whether you buy pre-ground coffee or you ground whole coffee beans yourself, you should make sure the coffee is a coarse grind because size does matter. In fact, the chemical components that release a hard and bitter flavor are easily extracted in cold water, and when the coffee is finely ground, you might end up with overly-extracted harsh aromas.
Light Vs. Dark Roasts
There’s quite a debate whether light, medium, or dark roasts are better for cold brewing. This somewhat depends on personal preference, so don’t be afraid to try either way.
The proponents of light or medium roasts argue that light roasting retains most of the beans’ original flavor profile, making light roast beans especially acidic. And, since cold brewing somewhat eliminates acidity, it might give you a well-balanced taste without being too mild.
On the other hand, some experts believe that darker roasts outperform lighter roasts because they’re rich in nutty, chocolaty, or earthy aromas that are better felt in cold brew coffee.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to your personal preferences. Just keep in mind that if you think the taste of your cold brew is a little off, you might want to try a different roast.
Single-origin Vs. Coffee Blend
Here the experts are unanimous – single-origin coffee is better for cold brew.
The reason for this is not that single-origin coffee offers some major benefits, but blends are usually selected to balance the bitterness and sweetness of different coffee beans.
Unfortunately, since cold brewing eliminates some flavor-releasing compounds, the coffee blend won’t be as balanced and won’t taste the same as when it’s regularly brewed. In fact, it might be harder to balance out the taste of unique coffee blends in a cold brew.
However, single-origin coffee beans are usually more expensive. This is why some people still prefer coffee blends, rather than single-origin beans.
Black Coffee Vs. Milk Coffee
Another factor that affects the taste of cold brew coffee, obviously, is adding milk. However, the final taste might not be what you expect. Keep in mind that cold brew coffee is milder and with more subtle taste than regularly brewed coffee. Diluting it furthermore with milk might be overkill. This is why many hard-core coffee enthusiasts recommend drinking black cold-brewed coffee. But, it’s still a personal choice, and you shouldn’t be afraid to try different things and experiment to see what suits your taste the most.
Tips For Optimizing Your Cold Brew
Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when cold-brewing coffee:
Buy coffee manufactured for cold-brewing. Everything is easier today, as there are many options available on the market that sell coffee grounds or whole beans specifically produced for cold brewing.
Don’t settle for anything less than ultimate freshness. Cold brewing delivers a milder and subtler taste, so buying coffee that’s stale is a sure way to end up with dull and undrinkable coffee.
Use the 1:1 ratio for best consistency – that is, for each cup of water, add one ounce of coarsely ground coffee.
Steep the coffee for at least 18 hours. It’s best to leave the coffee overnight or work out something that best fits your schedule. However, to get the most out of the taste, you shouldn’t steep the coffee less than 12-15 hours. Fun fact: Starbucks steeps their cold brew coffee for 20 hours.
Don’t steep for more than 24 hours. Balance is everything. Steeping it for more than 24 hours will make the coffee more bitter.
Use filtered water. Tap water will alter the flavor of your coffee.
Use coffee ice cubes. When the hot summer days peak, instead of diluting the coffee with regular ice cubes, make coffee ice cubes by freezing one batch of coffee.
Before You Go
Cold brew coffee is not the same as ice coffee, and the taste between these two coffee types varies significantly. Although some people might think cold brewing is inferior to regular brewing, we’ve discussed its advantages. At the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with experimenting with alternative brewing methods and trying new flavors. Hopefully, our article will be useful on your cold-brewing journey and will help you make a nice cold brew that you’ll enjoy.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The question of whether coffee goes bad is quite common, especially among irregular coffee drinkers. It’s not uncommon to find a bag of ground coffee in your kitchen drawer, but then what? Is it safe to consume it?
Passionate coffee drinkers would be strongly against that idea since freshness is a major determinant of whether coffee is good or bad. But, what does “bad” mean? Can expired coffee make you sick?
In this article, we’ll break down these questions and answer when it’s okay to consume the coffee that’s been sitting in your kitchen for quite some time. Furthermore, we share some essential tips on how to store coffee properly, to ensure you keep the fresh and intense taste as long as possible.
Can Coffee Go Bad & What Does “Bad” Really Mean?
The short answer is both yes and no, depending on what you are really asking.
If you’re asking whether coffee can make you sick, then no, coffee doesn’t go bad like some other food items (dairy products, for example). Coffee, like other dry, packaged food, has no firm expiration date, so consuming it after the expiration label stated on the package is safe – under the condition that you’ve stored it properly. Coffee is unsafe only if it comes in contact with humidity or water. In this case, throw it away without thinking much about it.
Having said that, coffee does go bad in terms of taste. Just because it’s safe to consume it, it doesn’t mean that it will be worth it. Old coffee becomes stale and most of its flavor does go away over time, so the drinking experience won’t be very pleasant.
So, how do we know whether our old coffee is drinkable?
In the next paragraph, we’ll discuss the shelf life of coffee and give you some guidelines that can help you determine whether you should drink or toss the coffee. Just keep in mind that these guidelines aren’t strict rules and, at the end of the day, a lot of different factors affect the freshness and flavor of coffee, which we’ll go over in a bit.
Shelf Life Of Coffee In Different Forms
When we talk about the expiration date of coffee, we must make a difference between coffee beans, coffee grounds granules, k-cup pods, and brewed coffee.
Can you use coffee grounds past the expiration date?
How can you extend the shelf life and freshness of your coffee at home?
Let’s break it all down and help you minimize your coffee waste.
How Long Do Coffee Beans Last?
The more processed the coffee is, the shorter its shelf life. Therefore, raw coffee beans last longer than ground coffee. If you buy coffee beans and ground them yourself, it’s best to ground only as much as you plan to drink that day and keep your coffee as whole beans. Stored in a dark and dry place, coffee beans will last for six to nine months if not opened, and around four to five months once opened.
How Long Does Ground Coffee Last?
The shelf life of ground coffee is a little shorter than whole coffee beans. Once the coffee beans are ground, the chemical compounds that make coffee what it is are much more vulnerable to environmental factors that affect the quality. Try to ground only as much coffee as you plan to drink that day or week for optimal flavor. If you buy ground coffee, try to drink it in the next two to three months.
How Long Does Instant Coffee Last?
The expiration date for instant coffee varies greatly depending on the brand, so it can last from two up to twenty years (sealed/unopened). However, once opened, the coffee in the package will generally stay at the best quality for around 12-18 months.
How Long Can Brewed Coffee Sit Out?
Finally, what happens after you prepare the coffee? How long can you leave it to sit at room temperature before becoming acidic and bitter?
According to EatByDate, you should drink brewed coffee as soon as you can, preferably on the same day, otherwise, it will become stale. You can keep it in the fridge for two or three days, but keep in mind that the flavor will slowly evaporate, and the more you wait, the staler it will be.
In What Case Can Coffee Make You Sick? – Telling The Difference Between Rotten Or Spoiled Coffee
We’ve mentioned that even if the taste is poor, expired coffee won’t harm you. Are there exceptions? This depends on how you store the coffee. While the coffee itself isn’t harmful, there is one exception where you should just throw away the package.
If the coffee package was in contact with spoiled food or moisture after opening, you shouldn’t consume the coffee. In this case, bacteria overgrowth from spoiled food might have contaminated the coffee, making it unsafe. Also, moisture aids bacteria growth which can spoil coffee as well.
Considering coffee can last a relatively long time when it’s stored properly, in the next paragraph we’ll share some tips on how to store and keep your coffee fresh.
How To Store Coffee To Last Longer?
To better understand how we can take care of our coffee beans, we should first learn what degrades the quality of the coffee.
Factors that can affect the quality of coffee:
Oxygen negatively affects coffee beans and ground coffee because of something called VOCs (volatile organic compounds). When oxygen comes into contact with the coffee beans, the VOCs inside the coffee become unstable and evaporate, causing the coffee to lose its aroma.
Coffee already contains a certain amount of moisture, depending on where it comes from and how it was processed, as each coffee is different. However, it’s important that the moisture content isn’t above 12.5%. Apart from the fact it affects the taste, the problem with moisture is that high levels can cause mold, and in severe cases, fungi. The main reason why this happens is that coffee is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the air.
Just like with oxygen, ground coffee as well as whole coffee beans are sensitive to light. Light will make the compounds in coffee unstable and prone to evaporation. This will make your drink stale.
Yet another killer of high-quality coffee is heat. Don’t expose coffee beans or coffee grounds to heat before brewing or you’ll make the coffee lose all its flavor and taste.
Tips For Extending Coffee Freshness
Follow these tips to ensure a heavy-bodied, robust coffee flavor, each time you make a new brew.
Buy high-quality coffee beans/grounds. First things first, before you think about storing it, make sure your coffee is fresh and of good quality when you buy it. It’s a good idea to find a brand or a local merchandiser you trust.
Transfer the coffee into a safe container. Immediately after opening the package, transfer the coffee into an airtight, non-transparent (dark) container, and store it at room temperature (in a cool location). If drinking coffee is a daily habit for you, you might want to invest in storage canisters with an airtight seal.
Consume the coffee 15-20 minutes after brewing. To take the most out of the coffee flavor, consume it 20 minutes after brewing. The cooler it gets, the more aroma is lost.
Never reheat coffee. Re-heating will destroy the coffee’s aroma and flavor completely.
Only certain parts of the pantry or kitchen cabinet are good storage places. Don’t place the coffee canister in the kitchen cabinets if it’s right next to the stove or if the cabinet is exposed to sunlight. Only cool, dark, and dry places are okay.
Don’t refrigerate brewed coffee. Although placing brewed coffee in the fridge can extend its shelf life, it will make the taste very dull and diluted.
Before You Go
Hopefully, we managed to answer all of your concerns and you can continue to enjoy your favorite coffee blend without worrying it might make you sick. To enhance the flavor and ensure you’re drinking high-quality brew, follow our advice on how to store and extend coffee freshness.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
If you love eating turkey but are tired of the traditional oven-baked bird, you might want to look into using a turkey fryer. Making a turkey with a turkey fryer is quick, easy, and adds a whole new twist to a conventional dinner.
But what’s all the rage about a turkey fryer, you might wonder? Well, it allows you to deep fry a turkey in minutes! It’s safer and much more convenient than attempting to fry one on the stove which is next to impossible. There are many fryers on the market these days, and most do the same job, which is frying a turkey, but models, features, performance, and price can vary greatly.
So, how do you find the best turkey fryer for your specific needs and preferences? Well, our honest reviews are here to help you out. We’ve done the research and found some of the best turkey fryers available on the market today. Keep reading to find out which product is the right match for you. And, don’t forget to check out our essential buying guide at the end of this article, where we share the most important tips when shopping for a turkey fryer.
Overall, we believe the Char-Broil Big Easy is the best turkey fryer for most people. It’s a propane-powered device meant to be used for outdoor cooking activities. The unit itself is large, fast, and cooks without oil, which is a big plus in the health department.
One of the best higher-end features of this model is the TRU-Infrared technology that ensures a tender, yet crispy turkey each time. The fryer features 16,000 BTU propane burners, so you can expect evenly cooked meat every time.
The capacity of the unit goes up to 16 lbs of meat. You can cook a whole 16 lbs turkey, or combine smaller meats. It’s especially beneficial if versatility is important for you. Aside from turkey, you can cook chicken, pork tenderloin, beef roast, and most large cuts of meat, plus boneless and bone-in ribs.
We especially loved that the unit doesn’t need oil to fry, which automatically means healthier meals without the added calories.
Since the Char-Broil Big Easy is electric and oil-free, there’s no need to fear burns. Plus, it comes with all the essential gadgets needed for safe cooking, like a cooking thermometer, a cooking basket with a lifter, secure lid, and a quick start cooking guide, which also makes the unit beginner-friendly.
Since it uses propane, the Char-Broil Big Easy can only be used outdoors. This means that weather and other external factors can affect your ability to cook turkey exactly when you need it.
Additionally, some customers have noted that the turkey isn’t as crispy as with some traditional oil-based devices.
The Verdict:
The Char-Broil Big Easy is a great choice for most people as it’s a propane-powered fryer that’s also user-friendly and safe. The unit is large and can satisfy the needs of every family. It’s also fast and healthy as it fries without oil. Whether you’re a turkey-master or an amateur who wants to learn how to easily prepare the perfect turkey dinner, the Char-Broil Big Easy won’t disappoint you.
When you have to feed a large family with high standards, the Bayou Classic “Big Bird” turkey fryer is the way to go. This mode is one of the largest in the industry, which makes it suitable for commercial use. Therefore, if you’re a professional cook, have a large family, or you own a restaurant, buying the Bayou Classic “Big Bird” fryer would be a smart choice.
Aside from its quality, the biggest advantage of this model is its capacity. The unit has a 44-qt. body and can easily fry up to 25 lbs of turkey. It’s definitely one of the largest devices available on the market today.
The Bayou Classic “Big Bird” model is made of high-quality aluminum and stainless steel which make the device very durable and powerful. Best of all, it distributes the temperature evenly and without a mistake – something that’s very important for large-scale devices.
The unit is very well-built, so it’s effortless to maintain and clean. The design allows you to easily disassemble it in order to clean it thoroughly. It also features two very well-designed handles and a stainless steel vented lid, so it’s easy to transport it and use it.
Just like our best overall recommendation, the unit comes with a lifter, a meat thermometer, and an insulated glove.
The unit itself might be hard to figure out, as you need to put it together once it arrives. This might not be the best option for complete beginners as you can easily make a mistake.
The Verdict:
The Bayou Classic “Big Bird” is an amazing high-end turkey fryer that delivers outstanding performance when it comes to cooking large quantities of meat. The unit is graded for commercial-use and it would be a brilliant choice for large families.
When you’re on a budget, the Bayou Classic 3025 has your back. It’s lightweight, yet constructed with high-quality and safety standards in mind. The unit offers some amazing features for a very low price, which is why it deserves the title as the best turkey fryer on a budget.
The unit is incredibly lightweight and fast. The Bayou Classic 3025 can fry a whole turkey in just 45 minutes, which is quite impressive. After that, it’s very easy to transport it and store it.
Fast doesn’t mean less efficient. What we love about the Bayou Classic 3025 is that it’s made from high-quality aluminum that ensures proper circulation around all of the tank, without leaving your turkey half-burned, half-alive – even when the turkey weighs up to 20 lbs.
We also loved how versatile the unit is. Not only can you quickly fry a whole turkey, but you can also use it for cooking soup, shrimp, crabs, corn, peanuts, Low Country Boil, or gumbo.
Finally, the unit comes with all the necessary accessories for safe and comfortable cooking. It features a patented poultry rack, lift hook, thermometer, and a seasoning injector.
Unlike the models we recommended so far, the Bayou Classic 3025 isn’t suitable for smaller chunks of meat. If you also want to use the fryer for chicken, it’s better to go for another model.
The Verdict:
If you were looking for the value for money fryer, we’re happy to tell you that you’ve found it. The most surprising aspect of the Bayou Classic 3025 turkey fryer is its price as all the other features place the device among the best of the best fryers on the market.
The Masterbuilt Butterball is a very powerful and efficient fryer for both indoor and outdoor use. The unit satisfies all standards for commercial use and comes with a large capacity that makes it a perfect choice for restaurant owners or professional cooks. The Masterbuilt Butterball is very easy to use and features advanced functionalities, which make the cooking process a piece of cake.
The Masterbuilt Butterball Xl is certified for commercial and indoor use. The inner pot is coated with porcelain to keep the oil locked inside. This feature makes it a great choice for restaurants and small businesses, as well as families that enjoy cooking turkey quite often.
The unit uses at least 33% less oil than traditional models, which makes it a healthier option when compared with other oil-based fryers. Plus, it has an oil drain valve which makes cleaning the device a breeze.
When it comes to capacity, the Masterbuilt Butterball can fry up to 20 lbs of turkey.
The unit comes equipped with a digital control panel with a timer, which makes the device a lot easier to operate with, and the whole frying process a lot safer.
Like some of our other recommendations, the Masterbuilt Butterball XL is versatile and suitable for boiling and steaming, aside from frying foods.
Although turkey fryers are generally hard to clean, the Masterbuilt Butterball XL comes with dishwasher safe parts. You can disassemble and toss the pot, basket, lid, and drain valve right in the dishwasher without thinking too much about it.
One concern or frustration is that the unit needs time before it reaches the desired temperature. This can prolong the cooking process, or spend more electricity.
Unfortunately, the unit has a very small cord. It’s designed that way for safety reasons, but it can be a problem finding a place on the countertop with a power outlet right beside it.
The Verdict:
Large, versatile, and easy to use and clean, the Masterbuilt Butterball Xl is a high-quality turkey fryer designed to satisfy every need. This unit is a safe bet for most people, but especially those owning a business. When frying turkey is a daily chore and the taste needs to be impeccable, the Masterbuilt Butterball is here to save the day.
The Char-Broil Big Easy is our overall best pick as we believe it’s one of the best turkey fryers available on the market today. The unit represents a balance between a great price, good quality, and essential features. It will give you tender and juicy meat very fast and very conveniently – you only need to push two buttons. The unit can please a lot of families gathering for a turkey dinner.
When looking for a high-quality turkey fryer that can handle a very, very big bird, you get to the Bayou Classic “Big Bird” which is one of the best ones on the market. It’s a large-scale device, great for both personal and commercial use. The unit itself is very professionally built, having in mind the maintenance and cleaning process as well, which is especially beneficial if you work in a restaurant and have to cook a turkey on a daily basis.
The best value-for-money pick is definitely the Bayou Classic 3025, which stands out from the crowd with the high-end functionalities it offers for such a low price. The unit is large, versatile, and very well-built. You’ll also get all the essential accessories to safely make a quick and delicious turkey dinner.
Finally, our pick for a high-quality commercial-grade turkey fryer is the Masterbuilt Butterball Xl model. The unit has everything a business owner can ask for – large capacity, advanced functionalities for easy usage, versatility, high safety standards, and dishwasher-safe parts for easy cleaning.
Everything You Need To Know About Turkey Fryers
Turkey fryers offer a combination of convenience and flavor. Because it’s fried, the turkey skin comes out crunchy and very tasty. Inside, the meat is tender and juicy. It’s the turkey-lovers’ dream.
A Little History
Turkey fryers got a rough and rocky start. When they began to get popular, there were some serious accidents that occurred, some of which were the manufacturers’ fault, while others took place because of the carelessness of those preparing the turkey. Furthermore, frying, in general, has had a bad rep since it was discovered that food fried in grease is very unhealthy.
Health Concerns
Frying food has been a practice for hundreds of years. Our ancestors dominantly used frying as a method to make raw food safer – free from bacteria, tastier, and long-lasting. So, why have turkey fryers gotten the bad rep, and what have we learned so far?
It seems that the type of oil used to cook the food is a big factor when it comes to health. When a turkey, or any food, is fried in healthier oils that haven’t been reused and is fried at a temperature that doesn’t cause the turkey to oversaturate, the verdict is a much better one.
Safety Concerns
Ever since turkey fryers were invented, safety was one of the main concerns. There are a lot of dangers when deep-frying turkeys – turkey fryer fires are responsible for the destruction of 900 homes, and more than $15-million in property damage yearly, according to the National Fire Protection Association.
The good news is that units are much more safety-oriented now and consumers are more aware of the dangers associated with the device, which has positively affected the demand of turkey fryers in recent years. However, we caution you to always be careful and make sure you’re well informed before working with a turkey fryer.
Plus, when attempting to use any turkey fryer, it is of utmost importance to pay strict attention to safety measures. No matter what safety features the unit comes equipped with; it is imperative to take great caution in all phases of cooking. You will also be wise to have a back-up plan should something go wrong.
Types of Turkey Fryers
There are four types of turkey fryers. There are the ever-popular electric ones that use grease to heat. Then there are those that run on propane and also use grease to heat. And, last but not least, there are both propane and electric models that use air rather than grease to cook.
The type that will best fit you generally depends on what you are looking for in a turkey fryer.
If you are trying to eliminate oil from your diet, one of the air-operated units might be the smart choice.
Many, however, like the propane grease heated ones, so they can enjoy the smoky aroma in the air. Plus, there is no need for an electrical outlet.
Still, others swear by the convenience and quality of electrical grease-heated devices.
What Are the Advantages of a Turkey Fryer?
There are many advantages to owning a turkey fryer, but the first and most obvious one is the cooking time. For example, baking a turkey takes more than four hours, depending on the turkey’s weight. On the other hand, deep-frying the same turkey in a turkey fryer will take more or less an hour, depending on the model. Therefore, when time is a pressing matter, having a turkey fryer is essential.
The second advantage that comes with owning a turkey fryer is the incredible taste. It’s no secret that deep frying only amplifies the turkey’s juicy and tender meat with crispy skin. Thanksgiving dinners are iconic and the perfectly cooked turkey is at the center of this jolly tradition, which is what you’ll get when you buy the best turkey fryer.
Finally, if you choose a no-oil air-fryer, you’ll get a healthier turkey. Whether you bake or fry the turkey, you still need to use oil, which adds a massive amount of calories. On the other hand, many turkey fryers today are electric and can air-cook the turkey for the same time as propane fryers. If an air-fryer matches your needs, you’ll definitely get a healthier turkey for dinner.
How To Find the Best Turkey Fryer?
The best turkey fryer will fry up a great turkey each and every time. However, to do that, it needs to have some basic as well as special features that not every model out there has. This is why it’s important to compare devices and be certain which of the many models suits your needs. To that end, below are some of the things you’ll be wise to consider.
Indoor vs. Outdoor Turkey Fryer
The first thing you need to decide is whether you want an outdoor or indoor turkey fryer. This will affect the heating source, the safety standards, and the price. Typically, indoor turkey fryers are electric and you only need to plug them in to fry your turkey. They’re much more independent (you can leave them while frying) and can still be used outside.
On the other hand, outdoor turkey fryers work on propane, which is the main difference from the indoor turkey fryers. Outdoor turkey fryers can’t be used indoors, but they do have their advantages. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of both types before you make a decision.
The second consideration refers to the fryer’s capacity. Obviously, turkeys are big and you’ll need a large tank to fry the big bird comfortably. While indoor turkey fryers are designed to handle around 14 lbs, outdoor fryers can go up to 20 lbs. Consider how big the turkeys you buy or hunt are to know what tank capacity will be the right choice for your needs.
When buying a turkey fryer, it’s important to think about the lifters as one of the most essential accessories. As the name suggests, the lifter is an attachment that allows you to pick up or lift the turkey from the fryer. Turkey fryers are deep and getting your bird out of the fryer without damaging it, burning yourself, or ruining the outermost crispy shell can be tricky.
Safety Features
Indoor turkey fryers are safer than the outdoor ones, nonetheless, you need to set up high standards when it comes to the safety features of this device. Turkey fryers are big and can easily cause damage if you don’t handle them right. Look for a thermostat, an automatic shutoff feature, or strong lid, among other things.
Before You Go
Cooking a delicious and mouthwatering turkey dinner can be easier than ever thanks to specialized turkey fryers. If you’re a turkey meat lover, then there’s nothing more to think about – buying the right turkey fryer will make your life a lot easier.
Hopefully, our reviews helped you decide on a device that will best fit your specific needs and preferences. Our practical buying advice is also here to guide you while shopping for a turkey fryer. You can use the links we provided to find out more in-depth information about each recommended product, check out current prices, and read customer reviews.
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Mornings can be hard, but a great cup of coffee while you rush to get ready is crucial and can set your mood for the rest of your day. Fortunately, k-cup coffee makers were invented and perfected to quickly give your daily dose of caffeine and make it delicious, too.
By having the best single-serve coffee maker for your needs, you’ll have an efficient way of quickly making a professionally brewed coffee in the comfort of your own home. And since there are so many different options available on the market today, you can always match the coffee maker to your taste and preferences and get impeccable results every time. But, how do you find the best single-serve coffee maker?
The truth is, the market is littered with products varying in shape, size, functionality, and automation level, among other aspects. We understand that the filtering and choosing process can be daunting and time-consuming. Plus, even if you buy a great coffee maker, it can still be wrong for your specific needs.
Luckily, we decided to compare and share our honest opinion about the best single-serve coffee makers in four different categories. We also shared a lot of valuable information you should consider before making a buying decision, so keep reading to find the best single-serve coffee maker for you.
The best single-serve coffee maker overall is none other than Keurig’s K-coffee maker. Keurig is the inventor of the K-cup coffee maker and a true game-changer in the industry. The K-Coffee model is a well-rounded, high-quality device that’s fully automated and very easy-to-use and maintain. It’s a smart choice for most people, both experienced coffee maker users as well as first-time buyers.
Since coffee makers are here to offer us convenience and constantly give us delicious results, we’ll start by praising the automated functionalities of Keurig K-Cafe that make the device really attractive.
The unit has a smart start functionality, which means you don’t need to wait for the water to heat before selecting your cup size – simply turn it on, insert the k-cup pod, and select your program.
Another great functionality is that the Keurig K-Cafe is programmed to turn itself off two hours after the last brew. This feature makes the unit energy-efficient, saving you money on electrical bills.
Keurig K-Cafe also features a maintenance reminder functionality, meaning it will remind you when it’s time to descale your coffee maker. Descaling is a very important process that prevents the build-up of calcium deposits to damage the device or interfere with the coffee flavor.
Since it’s fully automated and your next coffee cup is just a touch away, the Keurig K-Cafe is a perfect device for first-time buyers and people who appreciate convenience before anything else. Plus, most parts of the unit are dishwasher safe, which means cleaning it won’t be a problem either.
Finally, the Keurig K-Cafe is great for families as well as people living alone. The unit comes with a 60 ounces removable water tank that can make approximately 6 cups before it has to be refilled.
The Keurig K-Cafe coffee maker isn’t very versatile, as it’s only compatible with K-cup pods. It doesn’t support pods from other brands, nor K-Carafe pods, K-Mug pods, Vue pods, or Rivo pods.
Some customers have complained that they didn’t like that the device is made of plastic and feels very light, although its performance doesn’t seem to be affected by this.
The Verdict:
The K-Cafe is one of the best k-cups coffee makers from the Keurig brand as well as our choice as the best single-serve coffee maker overall. The unit is the latest brewer innovation that has incorporated some great automatic functionalities, guaranteed to make your life easier. It’s a smart choice for most people who want to enjoy a fine cup of coffee quickly, with practically no effort.
Our highest quality choice is the Ninja CM407, as the unit is exceptionally well thought out and will perform reliably even after years of use. The Ninja CM407 coffee maker is versatile, automated, environmentally friendly, and comes with an SCA certificate. It’s the perfect coffee maker for hard-core coffee drinkers who don’t mind spending an extra buck for the best coffee maker on the market.
One of the best qualities of the Ninja CM407 model is that it’s highly versatile. It features 6 cup sizes (cup, XL cup, travel mug, XL multi-serve, half carafe, and full carafe), and it gives you a choice of classic, rich, over ice, & specialty brewed coffee, plus a program for making travel-mug size coffee. You only need to place your travel mug under the spout, press the button for that option, and you’re good to go.
The unit can satisfy even the biggest nitpickers, as the coffee maker offers a choice between glass or thermal carafe.
Just how perfect this unit is for home-brewing speaks the SCA certification that accompanies it. The device has earned the Golden Cup of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) for its thermal flavor extraction technology through which it delivers the highest quality home-brew standard.
Yet another great aspect of Ninja CM407 is that it’s environmentally friendly, as it doesn’t require k-pods. Using this device, you’ll cut your footprint significantly and even save up to $200 on pods annually. Plus, if you’re worried about the amount of coffee for making a perfect cup, you’ll be pleased to know there’s a measuring tool that mounts to the side of the machine, so you can make precise measurements for every coffee cup.
On hot sunny days, you can enjoy a cold brew coffee with just the touch of the button because the Ninja CM407 comes with this functionality. It also comes with a removable water reservoir and a built-in frother for turning milk into a silky froth in a matter of seconds.
The only drawback that we noticed about the Ninja CM407 is that it doesn’t brew real espresso. Instead, it makes a coffee concentrate. Considering the fact that espresso is really hard to make right, and espresso machines are expensive, this might not be such a big deal – unless you’re a passionate espresso drinker. If this is the case, Breville Nespresso Vertuo is a much better choice.
The Verdict:
The Ninja CM407 is definitely one of the best single serve coffee makers that can be found today – the device is versatile, highly-functional, and has an amazing design. On top of that, it comes with advanced automated functionalities that will especially be appreciated by coffee aficionados.
Costing just a fraction of the price of most high-end single-serve coffee makers, the AeroPress model is a real refreshment for people who don’t want to dip into their savings but still want to enjoy a high-quality brewed coffee. We chose it as the best on a budget choice for many reasons, some of them being the device’s portability, ease of use, and travel-friendliness.
The AeroPress is a simple and straightforward device. It’s made from BPA-free plastic and comes equipped with 350 microfilters, meaning you only need your favorite coffee blend to make the perfect coffee cup in a matter of seconds. Given that you can use your own coffee mix, you can easily adjust the coffee this machine makes to your taste.
Another thing we like about the AeroPress is that it’s very fast. It works similarly to Fresh presses but with a patented AeroPress mechanism. You can make up to three cups of American coffee in just one minute. According to the manufacturer and thousands of customer reviews, the difference is that with AeroPress you don’t have to wait for the coffee to steep, which removes the acidity and bitterness.
Best of all, you can also brew espresso-style coffee, which you can use to make lattes, cappuccinos, and other espresso-based drinks.
Since it’s made of plastic, some users have expressed concerns about the durability of the device, especially the seal on the first unit. The good news is that you can order a replacement, but you have to contact the manufacturer directly.
The Verdict:
The AeroPress is a great manual single-serve coffee maker, that has the potential to make a lot of people really happy – especially those who can’t afford to invest in a high-end electric coffee maker, or those who want an additional machine for the office or while traveling. The unit is easy to use, easy to clean, and most importantly, makes high-quality coffee.
We know how hard it can be to make espresso just right. Fortunately, the Breville Nespresso Vertuo makes this process a piece of cake. It’s the best single-serve coffee maker when espresso is the number one priority. The Breville Nespresso Vertuo follows high brewing standards and it’s versatile, fully automated, and a great choice for people who want to experiment with flavors.
The Breville Nespresso Vertuo makes delicious espresso and other coffee styles consistent in temperature and volume every time. Thanks to its extraction technology titled Centrifusion, the unit’s capsule spins up to 7,000 rotations per minute producing creamy and intensely flavored espresso.
The machine is fully automated and everything is just a button away. You can make up to three cup sizes (14 ounces – Alto, 8 ounces – Coffee, and 1.35 ounces – Espresso) by clicking a button. The capsule for Alto and Coffee is the same size, while it uses a different capsule for espresso for better results. You can also adjust the machine for Gran Lungo (5 oz) and Double Espresso (2.7 oz).
We were especially impressed by the automatic blend recognition. The Vertuo uses an intelligent extraction system that is capable of recognizing each Grand Cru blend thanks to the barcode. Once it recognizes the blend, it adjusts its settings for delivering the best possible coffee flavor.
Finally, people who love to try out new flavors will appreciate the welcome set that’s included in the package. The device comes with 12 Nespresso Vertuo capsules containing individual aromas. You can try all of the unique flavors and know exactly what you want next time you’re buying capsules.
You can also register in a Nespresso Club through which you can order your Nespresso capsules online (24/7), receive personalized advice, and obtain technical support for your machine.
Some customers have complained that while the taste is amazing, the coffee was always warm instead of hot. Anyone who enjoys a super hot coffee might be a little annoyed or disappointed.
Another thing that espresso virtuosos have complained about is that because the device is fully automated, there’s no control over the process whatsoever. While some might consider this an advantage, for others it’s quite frustrating.
The Verdict:
Breville Nespresso Vertuo Coffee made our list because of the brewing quality – simply put, it makes an amazing espresso. Even though the device is quite expensive, some of the reasons that can persuade you to invest in it are the automatic functionalities, great customer service, and capsules with unique flavors.
The Keurig K-Cafe is the best single-serve coffee maker overall as the model comes from the most influential pioneer in the industry (Keurig), offers amazing performance and functionalities, and is affordable for most people. It’s a good choice for first-time buyers as it’s easy to use and clean. At the same time, it’s a good choice for experienced coffee makers as it comes equipped with advanced automated features.
The best single-serve coffee maker for diehard coffee lovers is the Ninja CM407, as the machine is reliable, well-equipped with advanced functionalities, fully automated, and incredibly versatile. Furthermore, the unit doesn’t require k-pods, meaning it will cut your environmental footprint. It’s a great choice for people who are willing to splurge for the perfect cup of coffee.
The best single-serve coffee maker on a budget is the manual AeroPress #83R20 coffee and espresso maker. It’s an amazing device for offices, travelers, and people with small kitchens that prefer something simple. Its size shouldn’t be underestimated, though, as the device is perfectly capable of producing high-quality brew just like many high-end machines.
Finally, the Breville Nespresso Vertuo Coffee is the go-to coffee maker for espresso lovers as the unit is unbeatable at making the best espresso shots. Aside from that, the unit features some advanced automated functionalities and unique flavors that appeal to curious coffee drinkers.
Everything You Need To Know About Single-Serve Coffee Makers
If you’re not really concerned about how your coffee tastes and can drink almost any kind, then you might believe brewing coffee is a simple and straightforward process. Experienced coffee masters, however, would strongly disagree. There are many things you should consider and know to be able to make gourmet coffee.
There are four different coffee makers that make single-serve cups of coffee.
Pod Coffee Machines
Pod coffee machines, or more popularly known “k-cup coffee makers”, use pre-packed coffee pods (plastic or paper) that contain coffee grounds to make the coffee. They’re the most well-known and frequently used coffee makers nowadays. The downside of using k-cup coffee makers is that most devices use non-recyclable, single-use plastic pods, which means they’re not environmentally-friendly at all. Additionally, finding high-quality pods can be a challenge and an expensive quest.
Espresso Machines
Espresso machines are designed for making single-serve coffee since you can only make one at a time. This is because espresso is the strongest coffee containing up to 80 milligrams of caffeine in a 2 oz serving-cup. However, espresso is also considered to be the most difficult coffee to get right, so espresso machines are among the most expensive coffee makers on the market, even though many of them are manual.
Manual Machines
The term “manual machines” refers to all the coffee makers that are operated manually. While they’re not as fast as electric machines, and a little experience is required to be able to make the perfect cup of coffee, professionals and coffee-enthusiasts sometimes prefer them because they give them the opportunity to play with the coffee’s flavor. On top of that, many people enjoy the ritual of brewing coffee just as much as actually drinking it, so fully automated machines might not be that appealing to them.
Single Cup Drip Coffee Makers
Although drip coffee makers are known for brewing large quantities of coffee at once, there are variations and models designed to make single-serve coffee. These types of coffee makers represent a great balance between a fair price, high-quality customizable coffee grounds, and user-friendliness.
Cold Brew vs. Hot Brew Coffee
A hot cup of coffee feels so nice in winter, but when the temperatures rise above 80°F, you have to find an alternative. While ice-coffee sounds tempting, there are a few things you should know to make the perfect cold brew.
Since hot brew is what you get from typical and popular coffee makers (although there are specialized devices that make cold brew), there are a few brewing methods to get cold coffee.
The first method is by using room temperature water. You can make the cold brew by steeping coarsely ground coffee in room temperature water for around 12-24 hours (the longer the steeping period, the better the taste). The advantage of this method is the taste and quality of the coffee, while the downside is the brewing time, which some people don’t have.
The second method is using ice to cool a hot brew. You can pour hot water over coffee grounds or granules, and mix until the coffee is completely diluted. After this, add a few ice-cubes in your cup and the coffee will cool in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, the ice-cubes will melt in your coffee and make it taste blander. You can also place the ice in a vessel below the coffee container, and wait for five to then minutes.
Finally, the third method is to leave the hot brew in the freezer and wait for it to cool. However, this is not recommended since there’s an oxidation process happening which can make your coffee more acidic and bitter.
To find out more about cold brewing and which coffee is the best for this process, check out our article on “Best Coffee for Cold Brew.”
Tips For Brewing The Perfect Cup Of Coffee
Choosing the best coffee maker is the first step, but knowing how to brew delicious rich-in-flavor coffee is the second, equally important step. Here are a few tips that will help you on this journey.
The water you use affects the taste. Don’t use home drinking water. Instead, use filtered water at room temperature or between 195 – 205°F (never boiled or you’ll “burn” the compounds that release the taste).
Specific measurements are crucial for consistency. If you use k-cup pods you only need to find a brand you like, but if you insert coffee grounds manually, then make sure you measure how much coffee you put. Use 2 tbsp for 6 ounces of water.
Take good care of your coffee maker and make sure the filters are clean before using it.
Go for drip-style single-serve coffee makers if you prefer customized coffee blends or you have a particular mixture that you already love.
How To Find the Best Single-Serve Coffee Maker?
Different types of single-serve coffee makers can satisfy different coffee needs, however, regardless of the type of coffee maker you’ve chosen, there are a few things you should keep in mind when shopping for the best single-serve coffee maker.
Brew Speed
Coffee makers are manufactured to make our life easier and help us get gourmet coffee fast. While some people might prefer a slowly brewed coffee, the truth is that for most customers speed is an important factor. To make sure your coffee maker can brew coffee quickly, look for models with a powerful heating mechanism that can brew coffee in less than a minute.
Temperature Consistency
This is probably the most important factor to look for in coffee makers, as it directly affects the coffee’s quality and flavor. Different compounds in coffee dissolve at a different temperature rate and some of them (chlorogenic acid lactones and phenylindanes) can make your coffee bitter. If you’re buying a manual machine, then you’ll control the temperature of the water, but automated single-serve coffee makers have heaters that control the temperature inside the device. Make sure you choose a machine that’s praised for its stable brew temperature.
Convenience And Ease Of Use
Coffee makers should be convenient and easy to use, but this can vary depending on the type. For example, manual machines are the least convenient and hard to figure out for complete amateurs when it comes to using coffee machines. There’s a learning curve for espresso machines, too, while single cup drip and k-cup coffee makers are beginner-friendly and incredibly convenient. They do put some restrictions on the brewing process, which professionals might dislike. If you’re confident in your coffee-making skills, go for manual and espresso machines, otherwise, look for single drip and k-cup coffee makers.
Before You Go
Coffee lovers will agree that buying a high-quality coffee maker that brews coffee to your taste is a life-changing experience, especially if you rely on caffeine to get through your day. You’ll be surprised how a simple and small device can make you feel so happy when you smell the intense aroma of your freshly brewed coffee.
Hopefully, our detailed reviews were useful in your search for the best k-cup coffee maker for your specific needs. But, if you’re still undecided, feel free to follow the links we’ve provided and check current prices, in-depth specifications, and customer reviews for each product.
Don’t forget to also visit our blog because we have many more product reviews, product guides, even delicious recipes that go hand-in-hand with a nice cup of coffee.
Want to see our favorite single serve coffee makers one more time before you go? Here they are!
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
If you are an avid hunter and want to make sausage out of your kill or if you simply prefer the taste of homemade sausage over store-bought, buying a sausage stuffer is the right move. Sausage stuffers make the difference between what could be a mundane task and a quick and easy process. And having the best sausage stuffer can make all the difference in the world.
For some people, stuffing sausages may look like an easy and straightforward job, which is true, but only if you have the right tool. For all the others that have spent countless hours trying to fill the casing only to get mediocre results and sausages that easily fall apart, we’re here to help you out.
As the market is littered with different product options, trying to find the best option for your unique needs and preferences may be a bit confusing. Luckily, we did the research so you don’t have to. This way, you’ll easily find the perfect match for making home-made sausages amongst our recommendations.
At the end of the article, we also shared some essential buying advice to help you choose the best option for your kitchen, so don’t forget to check it out. You’ll learn the main factors that you should keep in mind when shopping for your new sausage stuffer, but first, let’s start with the best sausage stuffer reviews.
The sausage stuffer from LEM Product is our best overall pick as it’s a very durable and efficient device, with a decent capacity and versatile stuffing tubes. The 5-pound sausage stuffer is a well-rounded product with a reasonable price and a 2-year warranty, which is why we believe it will be a smart choice for most people.
Thanks to the stainless steel construction, quality is guaranteed with the LEM Products sausage stuffer. The unit has highly precise carbon steel gears that are specifically designed to avoid slippage and wear. Plus, the material won’t rust or collect germs over time, which means you can use it for a very long time without wearing it out.
The 2-year warranty is another guarantee that you’ll get good use out of this sausage stuffer.
When it comes to the performance, the LEM Products sausage stuffer can hold up to 5 lbs, which means you can make most recipes in one load.
Also, because of the different diameter tube stuffers, you can stuff sausages from 13mm up to 25mm of thickness. This feature makes the unit more versatile and able to fit the needs of most people regardless of their preferences when it comes to sausage thickness.
The unit also features an air valve release, which pushes air out the top instead of into the casing, and you’re left with a tightly packed sausage without any air bubbles.
Finally, the unit is incredibly easy to operate and clean. If cleaning and maintaining hygiene at the highest level were a concern, rest assured – the LEM Products sausage stuffer can be disassembled completely. The cylinder, o-ring on the plunger, and other parts can be taken apart so you can clean them separately.
Some customers have complained that the clamps meant to stabilize the unit on your countertop are fragile and not so sturdy. Plus, they’re small and might not fit on every kitchen countertop.
Although the main parts of the unit are made of high-quality stainless steel, the piston and nozzles are plastic, which might not be as durable as the rest of the unit.
The Verdict:
The LEM Products 5-pound sausage stuffer is a great product that has the potential to make a lot of sausage lovers very happy. The device is heavy, sturdy, and built with high-quality materials. It offers great performance and versatility as it comes with different diameter stuffing tubes. Best of all, the device is user-friendly and very easy to clean. Whether you’re just starting your journey of making sausages at home or you have some experience, the LEM Products model is a great choice.
For the professionals, nitpickers, or very large families, we recommend the Hakka sausage stuffer as the best quality unit. Hakka is a real game-changer in the industry made 100% of high-quality stainless steel materials. Plus, it’s one of the most convenient and versatile units available on the market today.
The Hakka sausage stuffer is an incredibly sturdy and durable product. The whole unit is made of food-grade, high-quality stainless steel – even the little attachable parts like the nozzles.
The fact that this sausage stuffer is not an electric device shouldn’t concern you. The Hakka model features resin bevel gears which make the unit very easy to operate with – muscle strength is minimum as working the handle is almost effortless. Plus, just like most high-end sausage stuffers, the Hakka model comes with an air valve release, so you can be sure the whole stuffing process will move flawlessly.
The Hakka sausage stuffer is even more versatile than our best overall pick. The device has 2-speed options, used for slow feeding (first speed), and quickly reversing the plunger (second option). On top of that, it has four different diameter tube stuffers (nozzles) – 16 mm, 22 mm, 32 mm, and 38 mm.
Finally, it offers a great capacity suited for large families and people who work with large quantities of meat at once. The unit can hold up to 7lbs of meat.
One drawback of this sausage stuffer is that the crank doesn’t have a reverse lock, so it can easily spin backward if you’re not careful.
Additionally, the Hakka sausage stuffer doesn’t offer a warranty, which means you’ll have to buy an insurance package from the manufacturer that’ll serve you as a warranty in case something goes wrong.
The Verdict:
For all of those who want the best of the best, the Hakka 7-pound sausage stuffer is one of the few devices that checks all requirements for an amazing experience. It’s well-built, durable, comfortable when operating with, and quite versatile. It can easily handle heavy-duty work and deliver a large number of sausages in no time.
The Master Feng 2-pound sausage stuffer is the best value choice as the unit offers decent quality, great versatility, and amazing convenience. It’s compact and small, which makes it perfect for most kitchens and occasional sausage stuffers who want something simple they can easily operate with and store without blocking the kitchen space.
The Master Feng 2-pound sausage stuffer has a horizontal design. The biggest difference from the vertical designs is that the handle is smaller and is positioned lower. This can be practical for shorter people and those who have trouble when it comes to their arm’s range of motion.
Aside from its horizontal design, the unit also features an adpot suction cup base, so you can be sure that Master Feng stays securely on your kitchen table, even if you work with tougher meat.
Just like our highest quality pick, Master Feng comes with four different food-grade plastic stuffing nozzles, so you can select the length and diameter of your sausages. The nozzles allow you to make 14mm, 18mm, 21mm, and 25mm fresh sausages.
Also, we should note that Master Feng has a variety of models available for purchase, which means for a few more bucks you can buy the 5-lbs model or one with even higher capacity (pricer).
Unless you’re willing to pay a little more for a larger model, the Master Feng 2-pound sausage stuffer is very small and unsuited for large families.
Another drawback is that once you assemble the device, it stays put. While higher-end models can be easily disassembled for cleaning purposes, Master Feng might give you a hard time.
The Verdict:
Costing just a fraction of most high-end sausage stuffers, the Master Feng 2-pound model surprises with its performance and versatility. The horizontal design is an advantage for shorter people. It’s a great unit for people with small kitchens, people who prefer something small and simple, and basically anyone who wants a decent device without breaking the bank.
As the only electrical sausage stuffer on our list, the STX Turboforce Classic 3000 outpowers the other recommendations and offers convenience on another level. The unit is well-built, efficient, versatile, and best of all – large enough to feed a whole family from one batch. It’s the perfect choice for those who have trouble operating manual sausage stuffers and who use multi-use devices.
Basics first, the STX Turboforce Classic 3000 is made of high-quality materials, which means it’s very sturdy and durable. The unit is manufactured with food-grade cast aluminum and tempered/hardened steel.
Buying this model means laying back and letting it do the work. Regardless of how powerful gears manual models have, you’ll still have to put in some muscle work. When using the STX Turboforce Classic 3000, on the other hand, you only need to push a button and let the machine do all the work.
The unit has a 1200-watt running capacity, which means it can handle heavy-duty work without problems. No matter what kind of meat you’re using, this device will stuff it tightly without any air bubbles.
Best of all, the STX Turboforce Classic 3000 features three-speed options, so you can have full control over the whole process. Making fresh sausages will be quicker than ever.
Buying this model, you’ll also get three (304-grade stainless steel) cutting blades, three grinding plates, three sausage stuffing tubes (1/2″, 5/8″ & 3/4″), one kubbe/kibbeh making attachment, one meat pusher, two meat shredder claws, and a 3-in-1 burger-slider maker.
The small motor heats the device easily, which means that for heavy-duty work, you might need to make a few pauses to prevent overheating the unit.
Also, the STX Turboforce Classic 3000 can’t grind animal tendons, so make sure you clean the meat thoroughly before placing it into the grinder.
The Verdict:
When convenience and versatility are important, the electric meat grinder and sausage stuffer STX Turboforce Classic 3000 delivers an amazing performance. The unit is especially beneficial for people who have arm problems and can’t operate a manual sausage stuffer. Plus, having one device for a variety of purposes is always a bonus.
After going through the market and comparing current offers in detail, we picked four units as the best sausage stuffers in four different categories.
The best sausage stuffer overall is the LEM Products 5-pound model. The device is well-rounded and represents a perfect balance between quality, performance, convenience, and fair price. We believe this unit can satisfy most people’s needs, as it is a great sausage stuffer for beginners, experienced cooks, as well as hyperenthusiastic sausage gurus.
The highest quality pick is also the most popular and highest praised – the Hakka 7-pound sausage stuffer. It’s made of 100% stainless steel, including the nozzles – unlike the LEM Products model which features plastic nozzles. The Hakka sausage stuffer is also larger and more versatile, with four different diameter nozzles and 2-speed options. This unit is a great choice for professionals and large families.
When money is tight but the love for healthy and delicious sausages is strong, you can choose the horizontal sausage stuffer from Master Feng. It’s a horizontally designed sausage stuffer, great for shorter people and people with arms problems. The unit is also a smart choice for those who cook for one or two and prefer something simple above anything else. Buying this device, you’ll get a lot of versatility and stability.
Although all of our recommendations are versatile in terms of nozzle diameters, the STX Turboforce Classic 3000 takes things to the next level, as it’s a multi-use device that you can also use to grind meat. The STX Turboforce Classic 3000 is a powerful, eclectic unit that comes with an array of handy features for grinding and stuffing meat perfectly every time. If you’re someone who also prefers to grind meat at home, you might want to buy a model like the STX Turboforce and get two functionalities in one device.
Everything You Need To Know About Sausage Stuffers
Sausage stuffers offer a faster, easier, and safer way to make sausage from your favorite recipe. They provide hunters with a way to process their kill and provide those who aren’t particularly fond of grocery store sausage a new option for enjoying sausages.
A Little History
The practice of eating sausages came about when butchers used to salt organs and tissues of butchered animals in order to preserve them. It was often the bottom of the barrel of scraps and it was highly salted to help in the preservation. Then, they would stuff the meat into casings that were often made of the animals’ intestines, which provided for the cylindrical shape that we know today.
But sausages actually go back even farther. The usage of the word sausage was recorded as long ago as in the Odyssey when Homer mentions a blood sausage. The sausage was believed to be one of the Gods’ favorite foods. Not much has changed, as it remains a favorite food for most people today.
How Do Sausage Stuffers work?
What has changed is the manner in which sausages are made. While they used to be made with a grinder alone and had to manually be forced through the casing, modern devices allow you to place meat pieces in a cylinder, and the rest is child’s play as you only need to turn a handle or step on a foot pedal. The meat that’s put into the sausage stuffer is immediately processed through the casing, eliminating much of the chance for pathogenic bacteria to form in the process. The meat goes right into the casing with minimal air (higher-end devices have air release valves), saving you a lot of time and energy.
Benefits Of Preparing Your Own Sausage
Why prepare your own sausage? Some people do it because it’s a good way to preserve a kill that they got on a hunt such as elk or deer. Others do it because they love the taste and intense aroma of home-made sausages. Finally, the most important reason why most people choose to make their own sausages is that you never know what’s in a store-bought sausage. How can someone guarantee that the sausages are made from 100% clean and high-quality meat?
The truth is, people are becoming more aware of the health dangers associated with store-bought sausages because they’re made from leftover cuts as well as wheat or rice flour as a filling. Making your own home-made sausage gives you full control over the contents of the sausage and it’s a much healthier alternative.
There’s a myriad of ways to make sausage and plenty of recipes you can use. You can find a vast array of them online or you can get a cookbook. It’s also fun just to experiment and see what you come up with.
How Much Do the Best Sausage Stuffers Cost?
There are a good number of sausage stuffers on the market today. They vary greatly as do their price tags. A basic, no-frills device can run around $100, some even less. Then there are medium ones that run in the $500 range. The premium models are apt to be $1,000 or a little more and deliver professional-grade performance.
How To Find the Best Sausage Stuffer?
The best sausage stuffer should make a great, uniform sausage each and every time you run it. It should operate like clockwork and it’s beneficial to have some metal parts instead of being completely made of plastic. However, regardless of the unit’s quality, sausage stuffers come in different sizes and orientations. Which one is the best choice for you?
Here are some useful factors you should consider before making a buying decision regarding a sausage stuffer.
Manual vs. Electric
Your first decision should be between a manual or an electric sausage stuffer. In general, electric sausage stuffers have a higher price tag, but they don’t require any muscle work and make the whole process a lot faster. Some of them come with a foot pedal for greater convenience, so your hands are completely free.
On the other hand, manual sausage stuffers can be operated anywhere since they don’t require a power outlet to work. Plus, you can get them in almost any size and shape, which means they’re easier to fit on your kitchen countertop or be stored in the counter. Think about what would work best for you before making a decision.
Horizontal vs. Vertical
There are two basic types of sausage stuffers – horizontal and vertical devices. This decision is mostly subjective, depending on what’s more comfortable for you, what your habits are, and in some cases your height. People have noticed that vertical sausage stuffers are more difficult to use by short people because of the way you need to apply force. This is completely up to you and it doesn’t affect the quality of the sausage, but it does affect how efficiently you can use the device.
Cylinder And Tube Capacity
There are two parts of the sausage stuffers you need to consider when discussing the size of the device.
First, you need to consider the size of the cylinder which determines how much meat you can put in your sausage stuffer before you have to reload the unit. Sausage stuffers with larger cylinders are pricer, but they’re also more convenient as you can make a lot of sausages before you have to stop and reload the machine. To determine what’s a good cylinder capacity for you, think about the quantities of meat you stuff in one day.
Second, consider the tube size which determines the size of your sausages. Some sausage stuffers come with a variety of tubes from different sizes. If you want to have more control over the size of your sausages, look for sausage stuffers that are more versatile.
Air Release Valve
To make sausage, you need to tightly stuff the meat into a casing. The machine does this thanks to a piston that pushes meat through the tube. It’s not uncommon for air to be trapped inside the casings during this process, which can make your casings vulnerable to breaking.
The best way to avoid this is to look for sausage stuffers that feature an air release valve.
Before You Go
Stuffing sausages can be an annoying and tiresome job or a quick and easy process – it all depends on whether you find the best sausage stuffer for your specific needs.
Hopefully, by now, you have a clear idea of what you need and you may have found the perfect match among our recommendations. However, if you’re still hesitant, let us remind you that you can check out the links where you can see current prices, in-depth product specifications, and customer reviews.
You can also check out our blog because we have many more product reviews, product guides, and even delicious recipes on which to test your new kitchen appliances.
Want to see our favorite sausage stuffers one more time before you go? Here they are!
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
It seems like we all have the same problem – we want a home-cooked meal, but we don’t want to put much effort nor time. In today’s busy schedule, most of us don’t have the luxury of spending hours in the kitchen, even if we enjoy the cooking process. The obvious and smart solution to our problem is pressure cooking – the easiest way to get dinner on the table, fast.
Pressure cookers became incredibly popular in the last couple of years, so chances are you’ve already owned a pressure cooker in the past. But, even if you did, today’s pressure cookers are nothing like first or second-generation models. You should expect upgraded memory with dozens of pre-programs, one-touch functionalities that transform the pressure cooker into a slow cooker, steamer, baker, and even a yogurt maker. Best of all, you can set the timer and have a warm meal at any time of the day.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with so many functionalities and end up buying a product that will frustrate you or deliver poorly cooked meals. To avoid that, we’re sharing our top picks of the best pressure cookers available on the market today.
Additionally, we’ve composed a practical buying guide at the end of the article where you can learn about the features you need to consider when looking for the best pressure cooker.
The most popular and widely used Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1 electric pressure cooker is our top pick, too. There’s a reason why this pressure cooker is so loved. The unit is very well built and incredibly versatile. It has a wide range of advanced functionalities and more than a fair price for what it has to offer, making it America’s bestselling pressure cooker.
The Instant Pot Duo pressure cooker is very well-built, made of high-quality stainless steel materials, and a pot that has a 3-ply bottom, which makes the unit even more durable. Since it’s completely made of stainless steel (including the inner pot), you can easily toss the inner pot in the dishwasher and clean it thoroughly without a fuss.
However, the quality is not what makes the Instant Pot Duo stand out from the crowd. People love using it due to its amazing smart features that will make your life much easier and tastier as well.
The Instant Pot Duo features 14 one-touch programs for cooking ribs, soups, beans, rice, poultry, yogurt, desserts, and more. One-touch programs mean that the optimal settings for each of the 14 meals are pre-programmed and saved, so next time you want to make a soup, you can do that with a click of a button.
When it comes to safety, the unit has more than ten built-in safety features according to the manufacturer. Some of these features include overheating protection and a safety lock which will prevent you from opening it before the pressure is released and it’s completely safe to do so.
Another great thing about the Instant Pot Duo is that it’s available in three different sizes – 3-quart, 6-quart, and 8-quart. Although the 6-quart model is the most popular and best for most people, if you have a large family you can take the 8-quart, or if you’re cooking for one or two people you can dial down and go for the 3-quart capacity.
The only disadvantage that we could find to buying the Instant Pot Duo is the customer service. Customers have complained that although they love the device itself, they’re disappointed that they couldn’t get the support they needed from the brand.
The Verdict:
The Instant Pot Duo proudly represents the third-generation pressure cookers with a built-in microprocessor monitor pressure, temperature, time, and heating regulator. On top of that, the unit combines seven different appliances in one pot, saving you time, effort, and money. You can’t really go wrong with this unit, as it’s available in a variety of sizes, meaning it can satisfy most people regardless of their needs and preferences.
Another popular and loved pressure cooker, the All American 910 steals our highest quality spot. A lot pricier, this stovetop pressure cooker doubles as a high-quality pressure canner and raises the bar in the entire industry in terms of quality, durability, and efficiency. Even though it lacks the smart functionalities, the All American 910 is made for professionals, chefs, and hyperenthusiastic cooks who know what they’re doing.
The All American 910 pressure cooker/canner is made of high-quality double aluminum. It’s designed in a way that the aluminum thickens on the edges to ensure that the clamps that seal the unit are strong and stable. This way reliability is no issue even with extremely high-pressure levels and long-term use.
While the other pressure cookers have a 6-quart capacity (max 8-quart), the All American 910 is available in five different sizes, starting from 10.5-quart and going up to 41.5-quarts. The unit’s smallest version, the 10.5-quart, is capable of feeding a large family and can even be overwhelming for some people, while the larger versions are better suited for canning needs or people with small businesses.
When it comes to control, with the All American 910, you can regulate the pressure and temperature yourself. The unit offers three pressure settings – 5 psi, 10 psi, and 15 psi.
The All American 910 also features a safety control valve and an overpressure plug, so you can feel confined and safe while using it.
All American 910 doesn’t have pre-programmed settings or advanced and versatile one-touch functionalities. It can pressure cook perfectly, but that’s it. It’s not really a drawback as it’s a natural limitation due to being a stovetop pressure cooker, but we felt like we should mention it.
Additionally, because it’s meant to handle large food-quantities, the unit is not suited for those cooking for one or two people.
The Verdict:
Heavy and strong, with a thick stainless steel edge for a secure sealing mechanism, the All American 910 is one of the most efficient, large-scale pressure cookers/canners. If money is not an issue and you don’t mind investing in professional control over the cooking process we wholeheartedly recommend this incredible device. Just keep in mind that because of its type (stovetop), the All American 910 won’t come with smart display controls that are very user-friendly and make the whole cooking experience more intuitive.
Choosing Mueller UltraPot as the best pressure cooker on a budget was an easy task considering all the advanced functionalities this unit features. In fact, the Mueller UltraPot comes with more smart programs than all of our other recommendations. You’re also getting a safe and long-lasting pressure cooker for a fraction of the cost of some higher-end devices.
The unit is engineered in Germany and made of high-quality materials, rubber seal, and heat-resistant handles. The interior is made of ceramic non-stick coating, the pot from stainless steel, while the outside is made of plastic that’s free from PTFE and PFOA. All these features make the Mueller UltraPot durable and safe when it comes to your health.
The device is also safe from hazards as it’s UL and ULC certified with 8 safety mechanisms.
The Mueller UltraPot is incredibly versatile as it comes equipped with 10 different functionalities and 15 smart pre-programmed settings. Some of the settings offered include oatmeal, broth/soup, poultry, yogurt, egg, beans/chili, rice, meat/stew, cake, and so much more. You can even manually input cooking times if you want a more personalized recipe.
Adding to its versatility is the stainless steel basket that’s included with the package. The steaming basket allows you to cook two different food ingredients at once, furthermore saving time and money on electricity bills.
One drawback regarding the device is its customer service. Some customers have complained that the customer service was unresponsive when they needed to replace some parts – they were unable to.
Additionally, the instructions may feel a little vague and hard to figure out, so the device has a bit of a learning curve.
The Verdict:
The Mueller UltraPot surprised us with its performance and convenience thanks to the smart functionalities and pre-programmed settings. It comes equipped with features that you would normally find in higher-end models. However, the affordability of the Mueller UltraPot doesn’t stand in the way of its quality and safety. It’s the perfect choice for people on a budget.
Last but not least on our list of best pressure cookers is the futuristic Instant Pot Smart WiFI pressure cooker. Basically, you’re getting the same quality and similar functionalities as our best overall choice, but with a bunch of smart features that connect this device with your mobile phone. It’s the perfect choice for those who prefer convenience above everything and enjoy new technological advancements.
Just like its cousin the Instant Pot Duo, the Instant Pot Smart Wifi is made of high-quality stainless steel materials and a 3-ply bottom that prolongs the life of the unit and contributes to even heating throughout the surface of the device.
The Instant Pot Smart Wifi combines eight different appliances in one pot, as you have functionalities to pressure cook, slow cook, cook rice, make yogurt, cake, saute, steam, and keep the food warm for extended periods of time.
On top of that, you’re getting 13 different pre-programmed settings for cooking ribs, soups, beans, rice, poultry.
However, the feature that really sets this model apart from the competition is its connectivity with the internet and your mobile phone. The Instant Pot Smart Wifi is compatible with Alexa, too, so you can choose to control it through Alexa with direct voice commands or an app on your mobile phone.
You’ll have access to over 1,000 pre-programmed recipes on the app, which you can use to make delicious meals, as well as receive notifications on your mobile phone for any change in the cooking process.
Customers have complained that they’re required to share personal information and register through the company’s website if they want to use the app, which might be uncomfortable for some people.
Also, if your WiFi is down and you’re not home, you might be left halfway through the cooking process without access to your device.
The Verdict:
You know you’ve hit the jackpot when you find a device that appeals to tech enthusiasts, yet still manages to be highly intuitive and easy-to-use. In fact, you can remotely start, pause, and turn off the device by giving a voice command on your google assistant – it doesn’t get easier than that.
After going through hundreds of pressure cookers available on the market today, we chose the Instant Pot Duo as the absolute winner. We believe the Instant Pot Duo is the best electric pressure cooker for most people as it’s very convenient, easy-to-use, incredibly versatile, and fast. Best of all, it’s in a price range that most people would find affordable. The advanced functionalities and pre-programmed settings will quickly make you wonder how you lived without it all this time.
On the other hand, a pricier, heavier, and a more professional option is the All American 910 stovetop pressure cooker, which is made for chefs and experienced cooks who need higher pressure and heat for their cooking endeavors. The unit doesn’t have one-touch pre-programmed functionalities, but you can regulate pressure levels and temperature manually. It’s the perfect choice for large families and people who handle large food-quantities daily.
When money is tight and you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive devices, the Mueller UltraPot offers a similar experience and great quality that would make a lot of higher-end devices a run for their money. Buying this device, you’ll be getting a lot of versatility, convenience, and all the safety standards you need to keep your anxiety at bay.
We’re reaching the future of pressure cooking with the Instant Pot Smart Wifi model. This unit is the perfect choice for tech enthusiasts and people who want the ultimate convenience – to control their pressure cooker though their voice or a phone app. Aside from that, the device is well-built, delivers perfectly cooked meals, and it passes all the safety standards.
Everything You Need To Know About Pressure Cookers
There is a myriad of options to choose from when shopping for a pressure cooker these days. Modern-day pressure cookers, known as “third-generation”, have features such as smart programming technology, where the cooking settings, time, pressure, and temperature can all be pre-set.
“Fourth-generation” pressure cookers are even more advanced and pricier. They come with Bluetooth technology and can be controlled by tablets or smartphones. You can even purchase apps and share recipes online. It’s amazing to think about the advances made in pressure cooking in the last couple of years, but we should not forget the basics that still separate the workhorses from the wimps.
How Does Pressure Cookers Work?
Pressure cookers were invented when physicist Denis Papin came up with the idea of expelling air out of a container and then trapping steam from boiling water inside. This revolutionized cooking as we got a new, faster way to enjoy delicious meals and even preserve foods for future seasons (pressure canners).
Once you turn on the device, the lid will lock and seal. Usually, pressure cookers have valves from which the air leaves the pot. After all of the air is expelled, the valve will close, trapping steam inside the pot. This raises the internal pressure, which creates intensely high cooking temperatures, resulting in fast cooking times. Once the pressure is released, you can open the device.
Pressure cookers today are incredibly smart, and they have indicators for each process. For example, they’ll indicate when the cooking is complete, so you can turn on the “quick pressure release” option (if applicable) or wait for natural pressure release. Once it’s safe to get your food, they’ll let you know.
How Much Do The Best Pressure Cookers Cost?
You can actually get a high-quality pressure cooker online, like on Amazon, in the vicinity of $40. Of course, that is for a basic, small, no-frills device that does the job and it’s good enough for those who aren’t looking to go all out. There are also those that have all the bells and whistles and go up to the near two hundred dollar range. A lot will depend upon your intentions with the device – how much you plan to use it, and for what. As with most products, you get what you pay for, so if you want an average pressure cooker, you can get one for less than $100.
What Are the Advantages of Pressure Cookers?
A good pressure cooker will deliver a tender and delicious meal quickly – 70% faster than traditional cooking methods is the average speed. You won’t have to spend the whole day in the kitchen to receive a homemade-quality dish. Meats turn out moist and juicy while vegetables are crisp and nutritions. The convenience of being able to deliver such quality with such speed is what people find most appealing about the pressure cooker.
Another advantage of having a pressure cooker is that you’ll eat highly-nutritious, healthy meals every day. Because you can make a nutritional meal quickly and conveniently, you are much less likely to grab a bite at a fast-food chain or settle for preservative-laden instant food from the grocery store.
Pressure cookers will make you more creative in the kitchen. Eating healthy means eating a variety of different food ingredients, but we’re creatures of habit. Thankfully, pressure cookers come with booklets of amazing recipes, which will make you more creative and encourage you to experiment in your kitchen – as every recipe is super easy and fast to make.
Yet one more advantage of having a pressure cooker is that they are energy efficient. Because they cook in much less time than other methods do, they use less electricity. It’s estimated that using a pressure cooker saves up to ⅔ less of energy usage than with a conventional method.
How To Find the Best Pressure Cookers?
Electric vs. Stovetop
Whether to buy a stovetop or electric pressure cooker is one of the biggest dilemmas you’ll face when purchasing this appliance. Electric ones are usually less bulky and come with many functionalities, as they can double as rice cookers, steamers, and so on. If you need your cooker for extremely high temperatures and pressure, you may want to opt for a stovetop unit. On the other hand, if you prefer versatility and no-fuss cooking, you might be better off with an electric pressure cooker.
After you have decided on the type of pressure cooker you want, you need to consider how big you need your pressure cooker to be. Typical pressure cookers these days come with a 6-quart capacity, which more or less means you can feed six people with one batch – although this still depends on the dish you’re preparing.
While electric pressure cookers are smaller (6-quart), stovetop pressure cookers, which double as pressure canners, can go up to 40-quarts, like our highest quality pick, the All American.
Consider your daily needs, and choose a pressure cooker that won’t be too small, nor too big.
Pre-Programs And Additional Functionalities
Like we already mentioned, pressure cookers have advanced significantly, so they come with an amazing display of one-touch programs and functionalities. While stovetop pressure cookers are superior in raising pressure and temperature, electric pressure cookers are a lot more convenient and versatile.
Here’s what you should expect from your future pressure cooker:
Time delay – to be able to set when you want your food to be done.
Quick-pressure release – to be able to release pressure quickly, so you don’t spend time waiting for natural pressure release.
Smart programs – specifically customized pre-programs for different food ingredients, like soups, meat/stew, bean/chili, poultry, etc.
Keep warm function – keeps your food warm for hours.
Recipe memory – so you can adjust the settings for your favorite meal and save them for your future cooking needs.
Before You Go
It seems like owning a pressure cooker is like owning a stove these days – useful and indispensable, which is why you need to make sure you’re investing in the right product.
Hopefully, our reviews have helped you decide on the best pressure cooker for your needs and preferences. However, if you’re still in doubt, make sure to follow the links where you can learn more about each product – check out current prices, in-depth product specifications, and customer reviews.
You can also check out our blog because we have many more product reviews and product guides essential for any kitchen. You can even find delicious recipes that would be perfect for your new pressure cooker.
Want to see our favorite pressure cookers one more time before you go? Here they are!